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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $189.99

536 pp.
28 b/w photos; 15 figures; 28 tables, 7" x 9"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada

Understanding Society

A Survey of Modern Social Theory, Second Edition

Douglas Mann

Understanding Society: A Survey of Modern Social Theory, second edition, introduces the major streams of contemporary social theory and traces their evolution to the present day. Among the many new features of this edition is an entirely new chapter on three recent schools of thought centering on the somatic (bodily) aspects of personal identity - race, gender, and queer theory. In addition, a series of fictional vignettes and 'flashbacks' throughout illuminate the topics in each chapter and help students make connections between social theory and real-world issues. With a contemporary and accessible writing style that will engage readers, this uniquely Canadian text features current debates on such topics as communication, popular culture, the global village, corporatism, and globalization.

Readership : A core text for second- and third-year single-term contemporary social theory courses and full-year social theory courses, both offered out of sociology departments.


  • "[Understanding Society] addresses a vast range of thought without simplifying. The author's active engagement with the various thinkers, traditions, and historical shifts is evident on every page. . . an outstanding resource and, as far as I am aware, by far the best book of its kind available."

    --Kimberly Mair, University of Lethbridge

  • "The author takes seriously the need to engage students and make theory meaningful in the context of their everyday lives. . . Written in a language that is very accessible, demonstrating that theory need not be dry and humourless."

    --Susan Robertson, University of Saskatchewan

1. An Introduction to Social Theory
The Basics: What Is Society?
Science and Values
Causality and Laws
Modernity and the Enlightenment
Flashback: Bonjour Monsieur Condorcet
Modern Historical Trends
Modernism in the Arts, Letters, and Sciences
Paradigms of Social Theory
2. Functionalism and Its Critics
Hobbes's Question: Why Have a Society at All?
Durkheim on Society as a Functional Organism
Vignette: A Functional Life
Talcott Parsons and Structural Functionalism
Robert Merton
Conflict Theory
Flashback: A Party Disrupted
C. Wright Mills
Sociobiology: An Evolutionary Functionalism
3. The Debate over Materialism
Vignette: The Factory
Marx's Main Ideas
Two Marxists Who Shook the World: Lenin and Trotsky
Antonio Gramsci and Hegemony
Louis Althusser on Ideology
Jean-Paul Sartre's Search for a Method
Karl Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge
Pierre Bourdieu and the Varieties of Capital
Jean Baudrillard on Consumer Culture
Flashback: Sarah at the Mall
The End of the Left?
4. Slamming Society: Critical Theory and Situationism
Vignette: The Free Spirits
The Philosophical Foundations of Critical Reason: Hegel and Nietzsche
Freud on Civilization and Its Discontents
Theodor Adorno on Culture
Herbert Marcuse on Modern Industrial Society
Some Criticisms of the Frankfurt School
Christopher Lasch on the Culture of Narcissism
Jürgen Habermas on Capitalism and Communicative Action
Culture Jamming
Flashback: An Unexpected Visit
5. Meaning in Society: Human Agency and Social Explanation
Vignette: Athena's Tale
Structure vs Agency: The Basics
Weber on Understanding Society
Ludwig Wittgenstein and Language Games
R.G. Collingwood's Historical Idealism
Peter Winch on the Idea of a Social Science
Hans-Georg Gadamer's Hermeneutics
Flashback: A Big Confusing Greek Wedding
Rational Choice Theory
Anthony Giddens on Agency and Structure
6. Society as Symbols or Constructs: Symbolic Interactionism and Phenomenology
Vignette: Saturday Night Dazzler
Cooley, Mead, and the Birth of Symbolic Interactionism
Herbert Blumer and Mature Symbolic Interactionism
Erving Goffman's Dramaturgy
Flashback: Dancing with a Star
The Phenomenology of Everyday Life
The Social Construction of Reality
7. Structuralism, Semiotics, and Post-Structuralism
Vignette: A Long Voyage
The Basics of Structuralism and Semiotics
Joseph Campbell and the Hero with a Thousand Faces
Flashback: Mission Accomplished
Semiotics and Popular Culture
Post-Structuralism: The Theoretical Logic of Postmodernism
Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction
Michel Foucault on Power and the Docile Body
8. Postmodernism: Political Economy and Communications
Vignette: The Postmodern Guy
Revisiting Postmodern Culture
The Postmodern Condition
The Post-Industrial Information Society
Manuel Castells: The Network Society and the Information Age
Flashback: Bart and Network Society
9. Postmodernism: Time, Space, and Culture
Vignette: Highway One Revisited
Jameson on the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
Baudrillard on Postmodern Society as the Desert of the Real
Postmodern Pop Culture
Postmodern Space/Time
Flashback: Going Down the Road
10. Feminism
Vignette: The Last Days of Disco
The Three Waves of Feminist Theory and Practice
Shulamith Firestone and the Dialectic of Sex
Susan Moller Okin on the Family as a School for Justice
Carol Gilligan and the Ethics of Care
Feminist Standpoint Theory
Donna Haraway's Cyborgs
Camille Paglia's Attack on the Second Wave
Flashforward: FemFriends@Y2K
11. The Global Village
Vignette: Welcome to the Global Village
The Medium Is the Message: Marshall McLuhan
Heather Menzies on the Global Village Today
Negri and Hardt on Empire
Flashback: Run Jessica Run
12. Globalization, McDonaldization, and Corporatism
A Short History of the Global Political Economy
Theories of Globalization
Flashback: Mallrats
13. Who Am I? The Self and Society (NEW!)
Vignette: Out of Africa
The Philosophical Debate over Personal Identity
Race Theory
Judith Butler on Sex, Gender, and Performativity
Coming Out of the Sociological Closet: Queer Theory

Instructor's Manual
PowerPoint slides

Douglas Mann is assistant professor in the faculty of information and media studies at the University of Western Ontario. In addition to authoring two editions of Understanding Society, Mann has published Structural Idealism: A Theory of Social and Historical Explanation (WLU Press, 2002), Philosophy: a New Introduction (Nelson, 2005), and dozens of academic and newspaper articles. His main research and teaching areas include social and political theory, pop culture, music, and science fiction.

Social Theory - Edited by Gordon Bailey and Noga Gayle
Modern Social Theory - Austin Harrington
Making Sense in the Social Sciences - Margot Northey, Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese
Classical Sociological Theory - Edited by Michael S. Kimmel
Social Theory - Edited by Peter Kivisto
The Making of Social Theory - Anthony Thomson

Special Features

  • Comprehensive. Focuses on contemporary social theory (1930s to present) while also providing an overview of classical theory in opening chapters, making the text suitable for full-year social theory courses.
  • Current. Explores contemporary debates relating to communication, popular culture, the global village, corporatism, globalization, race, gender, and sexuality, offering students an up-to-date treatment of modern social theory.
  • Canadian focus. Emphasizes Canadian contexts, examples, and theorists throughout, making the material relevant to Canadian students.
  • Logical organization. Groups theorists into major categories-including critical theory, structuralism and post-structuralism, and globalization-so they can be studied in the order that best suits individual courses, providing flexibility for instructors.
  • Student-friendly pedagogy. Extensive study questions and bibliographies at the end of each chapter, as well as illustrations, tables, and icons indicating additional material online help students understand important concepts.
  • Engaging. A lively, lucid writing style makes complex content accessible for students.
New to this Edition
  • A 'Big Question' opens each chapter relating to the work of the theorists discussed within it, helping generate classroom discussion.
  • New chapter on identity. Chapter 13, entitled 'Who Am I? The Self and Society', focuses on the somatic (bodily) aspects of personal identity by examining race, gender, and queer theory, exposing students to these topical areas in modern social theory
  • Fictional vignettes at the start of each chapter provide an engaging context for theoretical issues and 'flashbacks' to stories included later in the chapter ask students to think about these issues as they apply to everyday life.
  • Thoroughly updated and revised. Various chapters incorporate new discussions of Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine (Ch 3); Adorno's cultural critique as it applies to recent popular films (Ch 4); Heath and Potter's critique of culture jamming, The Rebel Sell (Ch 4); and Hardt and Negri's seminal book Empire (Ch 11)
  • Compelling new art program. Features over 20 new photos and a revamped interior design.