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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $134.99

384 pp.
380 photos; 40 figures, 8" x 10"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada


Landscapes We Live In

Norm Catto

Straightforward and accessible, Geomorphology provides an authoritative introduction to the investigation of landforms and landscapes. Combining detailed analysis with evocative descriptions of the natural world, Geomorphology offers students the foundation they need to pursue further studies of the environment while satisfying their curiosity about the natural landscapes we live in.

Readership : Second- and third-year geography students taking geomorphology courses.


  • "The text is well written. . . . It is scientific without being pretentious or using too much jargon. . . . I commend the author for an enjoyable and educational read."
    --Johannes Koch, Brandon University

  • "This text covers all the main geomorphology subject areas in such a way that . . . the information is complete and easy to understand with abundant, relevant images to support the text."
    --Mark Smith, Langara College

1. Introduction: Some Thoughts about Geomorphology
What Geomorphology Is
How We Study Geomorphology
Hazards: How Understanding Geomorphology Can Help to Reduce Hazards
Where It Fits: Who Needs to Know about Geomorphology, and Why
2. Bedrock: Deformation and Chemical Processes
Bedrock Deformation and Tectonic Geomorphology
Environmentally Induced Modification and Soil Development
3. Bedrock: Physical Processes and Landscapes
Granite Features
Volcanic Terrain and Landforms in Canada
Astroblemes: Meteorite Impacts
Hazards: A Dormant Volcano Still Poses Risks
Summary Thoughts
4. Rivers and Fluvial Geomorphology: Concepts and Single-Channel Systems
Fluvial Dynamics and Fluvial Channels
Classification of Rivers
Single-Channel Systems
Hazards: Flooding and the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers
5. Fluvial Landscapes: Multiple-Channel Systems
Multiple-Channel Systems
Fluvial Landscapes in Contexts
Human-River Relations
Hazards: The Human and Geomorphic Factors Involved in the 2013 Bow River Flood
Summary Thoughts
6. Coastal Geomorphology: Processes and Landscapes
Wave-Dominated Coasts
Hazards: Rogue Waves
Tide-Dominated Coasts
Deltas and Estuaries
Sea Level Change
Coastal Erosion: Hazard, Heartache, or Healthy?
7. Aeolian Geomorphology in Canada: Processes and Landscapes
Aeolian Dynamics and Processes
Aeolian Geomorphology in Boreal and Cold Steppe Environments
Hazards: Windblown Dust
Coastal Dune Complexes
Aeolian Landforms over Time
8. Glacial Geomorphology: Processes and Landscapes
Glacial Dynamics and Processes
Alpine Glacial Geomorphology
Continental Glacial Geomorphology
Glaciofluvial, Glaciolacustrine, and Glaciomarine Features
Glacial Landscapes in Quaternary Context
Hazards: Failure of Natural Glacial Dams
9. Mass Movements Processes and Landscapes I: Falls, Topples, Subsidence, and Slides
Falls, Topples, and Subsidence
Hazards: The Vajont Disaster
10. Mass Movement Processes and Landscapes II: Flows and Complex Movements
Hazards: Debris Flows Causing Loss of Life and Property Damage
Complex Movements
Alluvial fans
Mass Movements in Human Contexts
11. Periglacial, Permafrost, and Organic Features: Processes and Landscapes
Periglacial and Permafrost
Periglacial Landscapes: Continuous and Northern Widespread Discontinuous Zones
Hazards: Continuous Permafrost and Three Coastal Communities in Arctic Canada
Periglacial Landscapes: Scattered and Southern Widespread Discontinuous Zones
Organic Wetland Landscapes
12. Final Thoughts

PowerPoint Slides:
For each chapter
- Lecture outline slides
Image Bank:
Figures and photos from the text
E-Book (ISBN 9780199001538):
Available through CourseSmart.com

Norm Catto is a professor of geography at Memorial University and the editor-in-chief of Quaternary International.

Geomorphology - Alan Trenhaile
Making Sense in Geography and Environmental Sciences - Margot Northey, Dianne Draper and David B. Knight

Special Features

  • A Canadian focus ensures students fully appreciate and understand the many natural wonders of our nation's landscapes.
  • Accessible introduction for both majors and non-majors combines scientific coverage with topical discussions of human interactions with the landscapes, providing a well-rounded introduction to geomorphology.
  • Abundant photographs and diagrams help students visualize unfamiliar landforms and formative processes.
  • Hazards boxes - highlighting threats posed by volcanic eruptions, river floods, glacial advances, debris flows, and other dangerous events - explore why natural hazards occur and show students how damage to human life and property can be minimized.
  • Review questions reinforce key lessons by encouraging students to actively think about what they have read and about how geomorphic processes impact their communities and their lives.
  • An extensive glossary provides concise definitions to help students build their technical vocabulary.