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Higher Education

Communicating for Results, Third Edition: Chapter 3

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) Simplicity
b) Directness
c) Intricacy
d) Clarity

Question 2:

a) Using ambiguous language
b) Avoiding passive-voice constructions
c) Distancing the subject from the verb
d) Avoiding use of personal pronouns

Question 3:

a) Words with a French derivative
b) Foreign expressions
c) Words that substitute –ize and –ization endings
d) Important-sounding words

Question 4:

a) Clichés
b) Emoticons
c) Slang
d) All of the above

Question 5:

a) Specific qualitative statements
b) Abstract language
c) Ambiguous language
d) Non-idiomatic statements

Question 6:

a) Adding extended verb phrases
b) Inserting redundancies
c) Eliminating or revising empty words and phrases
d) Including prepositional phrases

Question 7:

a) Lee-Sun gave an entertaining presentation.
b) The formal report was written by a team.
c) The proposal addressed the competition.
d) Redundancies create unnecessary wordiness.

Question 8:

a) Connotation
b) Denotation
c) Contraction
d) Detraction

Question 9:

a) Short sentences
b) Passive voice
c) Personal pronouns
d) First names and personal references

Question 10:

a) Expressing yourself positively
b) Stressing reader benefits
c) Incorporating a you-attitude
d) All of the above

Question 11:

a) Use extreme politeness
b) Suppress or censor what you need to say to avoid insult
c) Develop a courteous tone that is natural and friendly
d) Use sarcasm or show anger only when necessary

Question 12:

a) Worker
b) Salesman
c) Manager
d) Chairperson

Question 13:

a) Apologies, even when they are unnecessary
b) Bragging and boasting
c) Data and informative material
d) Weasel words like “I hope” and “I trust”