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Higher Education

Communicating for Results, Third Edition: Chapter 4

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) Simple sentence
b) Compound sentence
c) Complex sentence
d) Compound-complex sentence

Question 2:

a) Simple sentence
b) Compound sentence
c) Complex sentence
d) Compound-complex sentence

Question 3:

a) Sentences that are 10 words or fewer have the best readability.
b) Readability is reduced if a sentence has more than 20 words.
c) A number of short sentences together can be dull and monotonous.
d) A mix of sentence lengths confuses the reader.

Question 4:

a) Closed question
b) Open question
c) Hypothetical question
d) Declarative question

Question 5:

a) Use dashes in place of commas and parentheses
b) Type the message in capital letters
c) Use boldface or italics in moderation
d) Insert colour sparingly

Question 6:

a) Short, simple sentences
b) Bulleted lists
c) Repeated key words
d) All of the above

Question 7:

a) Use long or complex sentences
b) Use precise, vivid words
c) Place it at the beginning or end of sentences/paragraphs
d) Use a bulleted list

Question 8:

a) The report was submitted by Georgia.
b) Georgia was supplied feedback by the review committee.
c) Georgia submitted report revisions to the review committee.
d) The revisions were not received by the review committee.

Question 9:

a) To state good/neutral news clearly
b) To emphasize the doer of an action
c) To be direct
d) To avoid allocating blame

Question 10:

a) Effective PowerPoint slides are attractive, and they are also concise.
b) Effective PowerPoint slides are attractive and concise.
c) Effective PowerPoint slides are attractive, they are also concise.
d) Effective PowerPoint slides are attractive; they are also concise.

Question 11:

a) Using synonyms
b) Using pronouns
c) Using transitional words or phrases
d) All of the above