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Chapter 1: Introduction

Greenhouse Gases Effect on Global Warming

Chapter 2: Composition of the Atmosphere

A Portrait of Global Aerosols

The Carbon Cycle

Chapter 3: Behaviour of the Atmosphere

The Kinetic Theory of Matter

The Ideal Gas Law

Chapter 4: Energy

Latent Heat

Change in State

Chapter 5: Radiation

Cloud Albedo

Seasonal Landcover Change over the Alps

The Greenhouse Effect

The Ozone Layer

Pulse of Snow and Sea Ice

Aerosols Absorb; Aerosols Reflect

Chapter 6: Energy Balance

The Earth’s Energy Balance

How does the climate system work?

Chapter 7: Water Vapour in the Atmosphere

Evaporation and Transpiration

North America Water Vapor and Soil Moisture

How does the water cycle work?

The Water Cycle: Steaming the Air

Chapter 8: Adiabatic Lapse Rates and Atmospheric Stability

Stable vs. Unstable Air

Potential Temperature

Chapter 9: Condensation

Aerosols Impact Cloud Formation

Types of Fog (Advection Fog)

Chapter 10: Precipitation

The Water Cycle: Following the Water

Daily Snow and Sea Ice Temperature over North America

Orographic Rain

Cold Fronts and Warm Fronts

Global Precipitation Cycles

NASA Satellite Reveals Heavy Rainfall Patterns in California

Chapter 11: Wind

Coriolis Force

Global High Altitude Wind Speed during Hurricane Frances (WMS)

Sea Breeze Animation

Chapter 12: Planetary Circulation

Global Circulation

Global Atmospheric Circulation

Aquarius studies Ocean and Wind Flows

The Ocean - a driving force for Weather and Climate

The Polar Jet Stream

Chapter 13: Air Masses and Fronts

Weather Fronts - Diagram

Cold Front Pushes Past the Washingon, D.C. Area

Ice Fronts on the Larsen B Ice Shelf, 2001–2009

Chapter 14: Storms

A Hurricane Model

Hurricane Heat Engine [20049]

Hurricane Heat Engine [20048]

Hurricane Heat Engine [20047]

Hurricane Katrina Progression

Katrina Retrospective: 5 Years after the Storm

Chapter 15: Weather Forecasting

Forecasting South American Fires

How a Tsunami Creates an Iceberg 8, 000 Miles Away

NASA | Supercomputing the Climate

Canada Weather Map


Chapter 16: Global Climate

The Dynamic Earth - Sun, Magnetosphere, and Ocean Currents | NASA CME Solar System

NASA | Plant Productivity in a Warming World

Five-Year Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2012

Aquarius Ocean Circulation

Marine Deserts on the Move

Chapter 17: The Changing Atmosphere

Global Transport of Black Carbon

NASA Animation: Ice Levels Declining At Alarming Rate

Time-lapse history of human global CO2 emissions

NASA—Temperature data 1880–2011

NASA | NASA's Analysis of 2012 Global Temperature

NASA | Summer Extremes Getting More Extreme