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J.M. Bumsted

The Peoples of Canada: A Pre-Confederation History, Third Edition
ISBN 13: 9780195416893

About the Book

Integrating social, cultural, political, and economic history within a coherent overarching narrative, the first volume of J.M. Bumsted's acclaimed two-volume history examines the evolution of Canada from contact with the earliest European settlers until 1885. Some of the highlights include pre-contact North American exploration in the 16th and 17th centuries; settlement in the Atlantic provinces; the St. Lawrence Valley and New France; the growth of political changes that brought about confederation of the four provinces of British North America into the Dominion of Canada; and the expansion of Canada's domain, society, and economy in the 19th century. The highly anticipated third edition of The Peoples of Canada: A Pre-Confederation History is ideal for a single-semester course in Pre-Confederation Canadian history or the first half of a full-year survey course in Canadian History.

Readership : Suitable for use in undergraduate survey courses in Canadian history, taught in either history or Canadian studies departments. Survey courses are most likely to appear in the first-or second-year.

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