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A History of the Canadian Peoples, Fourth Edition : Chapter 9

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the Submit my answers button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) a substantial increase in the volume of imports and exports
b) Canada becoming part of the American trading market
c) Canadian banks extending consumer credit
d) All of the above.

Question 2:

a) The defection of Igor Gouzenko, a cipher clerk at the Russian embassy in Ottawa
b) The development of nuclear weapons in Canada
c) The discovery of American espionage activities in Gander, Newfoundland
d) Public opinion polls demanded Canadian participation

Question 3:

a) the introduction of Family Allowance helped with the cost of childcare
b) women who had married early tended to have children early
c) an increase in post-war housing allowed families to have more children
d) soldiers returning from Europe brought war brides and babies home with them

Question 4:

a) different or unusual cultural traditions
b) their unsuitability for Canadian climatic conditions
c) a possible inability to become assimilated into Canadian society
d) All of the above.

Question 5:

a) death and injury due to automobile accidents
b) death and injury due to domestic violence
c) the current and long-term effects of alcohol consumption
d) an increase in diabetes and heart disease

Question 6:

a) the St. Lawrence Seaway
b) the Trans-Canada Highway
c) the Canadian Hydro Delivery System
d) Air Canada

Question 7:

a) the force of public opinion
b) the trade relationships with the United States
c) the inability to recruit strong candidates
d) an increase in new immigrants in Canadians

Question 8:

a) French-Canadians living in Ontario
b) a small, influential group of Quebecois journalists
c) English-speaking historians in Quebec
d) the Quebecois working class in Montreal

Question 9:

a) Quebec wanted special recognition
b) Prime Minister John Diefenbaker refused to discuss the issue
c) the BNA Act’s division of power was date, ambiguous, and contentious
d) the Canadian Supreme Court controlled Constitutional reform

Question 10:

a) the increasing popularity of the television
b) divisions between sports and recreation
c) the ability for working-class Canadians to participate
d) the desire to protect Canada from American influence