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Higher Education

Writing by Choice - Student Quiz - Part 6

Instructions: Click on the radio button beside your answers below. When you've completed the entire quiz click the 'Submit my answers' button for your results.

Question 1:

a) The work's message.
b) The work's theme.
c) The author's statements about the work.
d) The author's biography.

Question 2:

a) A response.
b) An evaluation.
c) A critical analysis.
d) All of the above are possible forms.

Question 3:

a) Your 'gut' reaction to a work.
b) The opinions of authoritative critics.
c) An in-depth analysis of the author's writing technique.
d) Writing a review of a work.

Question 4:

a) Approaches literature through the lens of psychoanalysis.
b) Is concerned with finding weaknesses in a work.
c) Is concerned with your 'gut' reaction to a work.
d) Focuses on the techniques and strategies a writer uses to create a work

Question 5:

a) It could explore a work's structure and the way that the parts function separately, yet also form a whole.
b) It views the work within an established context of some kind.
c) It looks at dialogue in the context of character in a fictive work.
d) It involves a close analysis of a work's techniques.

Question 6:

a) It involves a close analysis of a work's structure or techniques.
b) It views the work within an established context of some kind.
c) It focuses on the relationship between one text and one or more other texts.
d) It is used as a method for producing an outline.

Question 7:

a) Begin by considering your personal feelings about, and/or your reactions to, a work.
b) Limit your focus to one important area.
c) Make connections and look for patterns in a work.
d) All of the above.

Question 8:

a) Focus on summarizing the plot.
b) Spend at least some time on plot summary.
c) Give as much information about plot, character, and setting as necessary to provide adequate context for your points.
d) Always avoid referring to the plot because it wastes words.

Question 9:

a) The 'gift' you receive when you read literature.
b) The time period in which contemporary work was written.
c) A term used to encourage readers to become absorbed by the work being read.
d) The use of the present tense when referring to a text.

Question 10:

a) Using literary conventions more consciously.
b) Spending less time writing an outline.
c) Coming to rely less on literary conventions than on your own informed opinions about a work.
d) Learning how to write literary prose.

Question 11:

a) The second of two parallel phrases in a poem.
b) The pause in the middle of a line of a poem.
c) Determined by the rhythm of the poem.
d) A structural division of a poem.

Question 12:

a) The repetition of identical sounds in the middle of words in close proximity.
b) A collection of critical essays on literature.
c) The repetition of the initial sounds in words in close proximity.
d) The repetition of stressed syllables.

Question 13:

a) Allusions.
b) Figures of speech.
c) Structure.
d) Diction.

Question 14:

a) The ode, the elegy, and the sonnet.
b) The stanza, the metre, and the sonnet.
c) The ballad, the haiku, and the metre.
d) The ballad, the sonnet, and the allegory.

Question 15:

a) It is inclusive of writers from non-Western cultures.
b) It is inclusive of writers of colour.
c) It is inclusive of female writers.
d) None of the above.

Question 16:

a) Character.
b) Plot.
c) Theme.
d) Setting.

Question 17:

a) Should have a single effect.
b) Can be read at one sitting.
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.

Question 18:

a) The plot.
b) The setting.
c) The conflict.
d) The incident.

Question 19:

a) Setting.
b) Perspective.
c) Plot.
d) Closure.

Question 20:

a) Round character.
b) Antagonist.
c) Protagonist.
d) Flat character.

Question 21:

a) First-person involved.
b) First-person observer.
c) Third-person involved.
d) Unreliable.

Question 22:

a) Is difficult to sum up in a few words.
b) Rejects such absolutes as the authority of the author.
c) Incorporates more than just literature itself.
d) All of the above.

Question 23:

a) Low comedy.
b) Satire.
c) Realism.
d) Tragedy.

Question 24:

a) A reference to something outside the poem.
b) Something, such as an image, that turns out not to exist.
c) An obvious mistake in the interpretation of a literary work.
d) An extended comparison or metaphor.

Question 25:

a) An implicit comparison between two things.
b) Awareness that the audience has, but that the character doesn't have, about the character, or about a situation that the character is involved in.
c) A situation that appears to point to a particular outcome but actually results in the reverse of the expected or intended outcome.
d) Possible only in drama.