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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter Six

Student Self-Grading Multiple Choice

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1. Methods for paragraph development are often referred to as ________.

a) methodological patterns
b) rhetorical patterns
c) paragraph patterns
d) None of the above


2. Tracing a topic’s development over time deals with ________.

a) the chronological method
b) the cause and effect method
c) definition
d) narration


3. A story can be used in an essay to ________.

a) Lend drama to the argument
b) Illustrate a point
c) Reinforce or introduce a topic
d) All of the above


4. Relating a process focuses on the steps in a ________.

a) scale
b) table
c) sequence
d) list
e) None of the above


5. Using time-order relationships in a way similar to using cause and effect is called ________.

a) antecedent-consequent
b) effect and cause
c) chronology
d) process
e) All of the above


6. The following method uses concrete examples ________.

a) question-answer: definition
b) cost-benefit
c) example/illustration


7. Essays and studies dealing with finding solutions to certain problems are particularly common in ________.

a) the humanities
b) the sciences
c) the social sciences
d) None of the above


8. In expository essays, cost-benefit analyses involve ________.

a) objectively weighing positives and negatives
b) subjectively weighing positives and negatives
c) All of the above
d) None of the above


9. An analogy compares objects or subjects which are ________.

a) similar
b) dissimilar
c) exactly the same
d) None of the above


10. When a writer applies compare and contrast, he or she begins by finding ________.

a) logical bases of comparison
b) research
c) logical bases of identification
d) logical bases of narration


Short Answer Questions

11. A topic may suggest a specific method of __________.


12. Specific methods of developing paragraphs are also known as __________.


13. __________ allow a writer to convey precisely what he or she will discuss.


14. The __________ method does more than merely trace information back to a specific time.


15. Description should play a __________ role in an argument.


16. Narration can help __________ a point.


17. One of the best ways to support a point is to provide a concrete __________.


18. Cost-benefit analyses can be applied to almost any __________.


19. A comparison between two objects to better understand the initial object or idea is called __________.


20. Comparing and contrasting systematically and respectively use __________ and __________.
