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Higher Education

Writing in the Academic Disciplines: Dangling Modifier, Misplaced Modifier, and Limiting Modifier Errors

Instructions: Identify the dangling, misplaced, and limiting modifier errors in the following sentences. If there is no error, choose the "no error" option. After you identify the error, fix it by writing a grammatically correct sentence that eliminates the modifier error. Please note that there is more than one way to fix most sentences.

Question 1:

a) misplaced modifier
b) dangling modifier
c) limiting modifier
d) no error

Question 2:

a) misplaced modifier
b) limiting modifier
c) no error
d) dangling modifier

Question 3:

a) dangling modifier
b) limiting modifier
c) misplaced modifier
d) no error

Question 4:

a) limiting modifier
b) no error
c) dangling modifier
d) misplaced modifier

Question 5:

a) no error
b) dangling modifier
c) limiting modifier
d) misplaced modifier

Question 6:

a) misplaced modifier
b) limiting modifier
c) no error
d) dangling modifier

Question 7:

a) no error
b) misplaced modifier
c) dangling modifier
d) limiting modifier

Question 8:

a) limiting modifier
b) dangling modifier
c) no error
d) misplaced modifier

Question 9:

a) misplaced modifier
b) limiting modifier
c) dangling modifier
d) no error

Question 10:

a) no error
b) misplaced modifier
c) limiting modifier
d) dangling modifier