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Rutherford Practice Midterm Exam


Question 1:

a) involves testing within-subjects only.
b) follows two or more groups longitudinally.
c) is a cheap and easy way to answer research questions.
d) is more vulnerable to the effects of selective attrition than a longitudinal design.

Question 2:

a) is the most frequently encountered item in a category.
b) shares many features with members of other categories.
c) shares few features with other members of the same category.
d) is what you are likely to mentally picture if asked to think of a member of a particular category.

Question 3:

a) V(genes) /V(genes) + V(environment)+ V(g*e)
b) V(environment)/V(genes) + V(environment)+ V(g*e)
c) V(genes)/V(environment)+ V(g*e)
d) V(environment)/V(genes) + V(g*e)

Question 4:

a) at a very young age.
b) in peer groups.
c) between parent and child.
d) individualistically.

Question 5:

a) involves a critical period.
b) involves mechanisms that optimize the relationship between one’s brain and one’s idiosyncratic environment.
c) is necessary for normal brain development to result.
d) relies on environmental cues that remain unchanged over generations.

Question 6:

a) deleterious breeding.
b) incest.
c) inbreeding depression.
d) genetic avoidance.

Question 7:

a) are less active in utero.
b) are more likely to be spontaneously miscarried.
c) are less likely to suffer from a physical abnormality.
d) are not significantly different on any measurable characteristic.

Question 8:

a) observational learning is most important.
b) genes play a special role in development.
c) the whole of a complex system is more than the sum of its parts.
d) environment plays a special role in development.

Question 9:

a) preferences.
b) reflexes.
c) conditioned responses.
d) discriminations.

Question 10:

a) location maintenance.
b) absolute reckoning.
c) dead reckoning.
d) position maintenance.

Question 11:

a) G. Stanley Hall.
b) Jean Piaget.
c) John Locke.
d) Aristotle.

Question 12:

a) John Bowlby
b) Harry Harlow
c) Mary Ainsworth.
d) B. F. Skinner.

Question 13:

a) modularity.
b) projections on the retina
c) objective size.
d) preferences.

Question 14:

a) XX
b) XY
c) X
d) Y

Question 15:

a) conjunctive
b) inference
c) inductive
d) deductive

Question 16:

a) Generative stability
b) Generative entrenchment
c) Generative permanence
d) Generative ingraining

Question 17:

a) a precise system for small numbers and an approximate system for large numbers.
b) an approximate system for small numbers and a precise system for large numbers.
c) a precise system for visually-represented numbers and an approximate system for aurally-presented numbers.
d) a precise system for aurally-represented numbers and an approximate system for visually-presented numbers.

Question 18:

a) exploiting others.
b) favouring those who are genetically related.
c) helping another individual and then having the favour returned.
d) incurring a benefit for one individual but not another.

Question 19:

a) 18 weeks after conception.
b) 24 weeks after conception.
c) birth.
d) age 2.

Question 20:

a) classical conditioning.
b) observation and imitation.
c) rewards and punishments.
d) individual personalities.

Question 21:

a) are standardized.
b) have consistent word orderings.
c) carry grammatical information
d) borrow vocabulary from other languages.

Question 22:

a) being unable to consider views other than your own.
b) a preference for animals over objects
c) the attribution of physical characteristics to mental entities.
d) the attribution of mental states to inanimate objects.

Question 23:

a) moral decisions should be made based on what is best for the greatest number of people.
b) the human mind does not need to provide anything in order for a person to develop morally.
c) what is good is what is natural.
d) rewards and punishments are an integral part of moral development.

Question 24:

a) Temporal
b) Wernicke’s
c) Auditory
d) Broca’s

Question 25:

a) a feature did not arise as an adaptation for its present role but was subsequently co-opted for that function.
b) genetic diversity is lost
c) there is a shift in gene frequency as a result of a founder situation.
d) an adaptive feature carries with it another feature that is neutral for survival.