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Human Sexuality: Chapter 11

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) It is a gender-neutral term.
b) It acknowledges that a person can have more than one orientation.
c) It acknowledges that emotional attachment plays an important role in relationship development.
d) It does not carry the same social stigma as “sexual orientation.”

Question 2:

a) It generates a score based on objective, instead of self-reported, data.
b) It is more inclusive.
c) It can be used on men or women.
d) It measures attraction to men AND attraction to women for all people rather than attraction to men OR attraction to women.

Question 3:

a) Less than 1 per cent
b) 5 per cent
c) 10 per cent
d) 40 per cent

Question 4:

a) Internalized homophilia
b) Homophobia
c) Internalized homophobia
d) Internalized asexuality

Question 5:

a) Among straight males
b) Among straight females
c) Among gay males
d) Among lesbian women

Question 6:

a) Identity pride
b) Identity confusion
c) Identity acceptance
d) Identity tolerance

Question 7:

a) Surprise them with a trip to a gay pride parade.
b) Assume they are LGBTTIQQ and leave books on “coming out” around the house for them to find.
c) Discourage the LGBTTIQQ identity because sexual identity can easily be shaped in childhood.
d) Wait and the child to express his sexual identity on his own.

Question 8:

a) Lesbian women
b) Gay men
c) Bisexual men and women
d) Straight men and women

Question 9:

a) The outcomes are better than those of mixed-sex couples.
b) The outcomes are the same as those of mixed-sex couples.
c) The outcomes are worse than those of mixed-sex couples.
d) Same-sex couples in Canada are not legally entitled to adopt children.

Question 10:

a) 5 per cent
b) 15 per cent
c) 20 per cent
d) 30 per cent