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World Religions: Western Traditions: Chapter 7

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the 'Submit my answers' button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) A prophetic movement based on the belief that its founder had received secret teachings from extra-terrestrials.
b) A Christian splinter group that broke away from its parent congregation in order to adhere to stricter moral standards.
c) A relatively new Buddhist denomination based on a renewed commitment to social justice, which has between 500,000 and 1,000,000 adherents.
d) An Islamic revival movement with a charismatic leader and a utopian social program.

Question 2:

a) A focus on scripture
b) Charismatic leadership
c) Claims of a new (or esoteric) revelation
d) Requirement of extreme loyalty

Question 3:

a) the 'Association for Creating Values'
b) 'Wisdom and Compassion'
c) 'Truth League'
d) 'Champions of Justice'

Question 4:

a) Soka Gakkai teachings often focus on the this-worldly benefits that can be obtained through mantra chanting.
b) The Soka Gakkai organization is unofficially affiliated with a relatively successful Japanese political party.
c) Nichiren Buddhism, from which Soka Gakkai is an offshoot, continues to affirm the value of Soka Gakkai teachings and practices.
d) Soka Gakkai adherents claim that its teachings will eventually lead to a human revolution that will transform society.

Question 5:

a) the 'End of Samsara'
b) 'Insight Meditation'
c) the 'Buddhist Freedom Coalition'
d) 'Energy of the Wheel of Law'

Question 6:

a) Simplicity
b) Forbearance
c) Truthfulness
d) Benevolence

Question 7:

a) Vishnu
b) Shiva
c) Brahma
d) Ganesha

Question 8:

a) Offering fire and food to images of Krishna and other important deities
b) Donating a portion of one’s income to support the temple
c) Taking a vow of celibacy
d) Cultivation of right mindfulness through the performance of everyday activities

Question 9:

a) The ancestors of modern North American Aboriginal peoples were members of a (heretofore unknown) lost tribe of Israel.
b) Christ traveled to North America to visit the lost tribe after his crucifixion.
c) The annunciation (Mary’s impregnation through the power of God) was carried out by Moroni—the same angel who revealed the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith.
d) Smith, the founder of the religion, translated the Book of Mormon from Reformed Egyptian using the power of sacred objects that were previously incorporated by Israelite high priests.

Question 10:

a) Plural marriage (polygyny)
b) Avoidance of stimulants
c) Enforced participation in missionary activity for a minimum of ten years
d) Worship of Joseph Smith

Question 11:

a) Muhammad
b) Baha'u'llah
c) The Bab
d) Abbas Effendi

Question 12:

a) Progressive revelation
b) The importance of inter-religious dialogue
c) Gender and racial equality
d) A and D
e) A, B, and D

Question 13:

a) All humans were once black.
b) The original humans dwelt in peace and harmony as part of a tribe called Shabazz.
c) Black oppression began with the actions of Yakub, an evil man who created an offshoot white tribe by killing all dark-skinned babies.
d) Black oppression continued under Moses, who guided the evil white tribe in their continued mistreatment of the people of Shabazz.

Question 14:

a) Wallace D. Fard
b) Malcolm X
c) Wallace Muhammad
d) Louis Farrakhan

Question 15:

a) Learning requires serious, committed study, as its teachings can only be appreciated rationally.
b) Practice can provide individuals with the tools necessary to achieve personal transformation and fulfillment.
c) Kabbalah is a culmination of spiritual wisdom, though one can practice it without abandoning previous belief systems.
d) Learning should be open to all people, regardless of age, race, or sex.

Question 16:

a) God is present in all things, no matter how inconsequential they might seem.
b) Meditating upon the 72 names of God can yield secret insights into the nature of the Divine.
c) The eternally masculine God creates the world by interacting with a subordinate feminine principle.
d) Given God’s transcendence and ineffability, it is only through human effort that the Divine will can be enacted in the world.

Question 17:

a) exploiting Kabbalistic teachings for worldly (material) gain
b) failing to restrict Kabbalistic instruction to mature Jewish males
c) accepting large donations from celebrities and other wealthy patrons
d) claiming that evil eventualities (such as the death of Jews in the Holocaust) can be attributed to their failure to follow Kabbalah teachings
e) All of the above.

Question 18:

a) Wicca
b) Scientology
c) The Raëlian Movement
d) New Age spirituality