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Higher Education


Lorne Tepperman

Deviance, Crime, and Control: Beyond the Straight and Narrow
ISBN 13: 9780195419528

About the Book

Unlike most deviance books, Deviance, Crime, and Control: Beyond the Straight and Narrow assumes that deviance is, in fact, normal and conformity is socially constructed. Social order, by this standard, is an ongoing accomplishment. The mere existence of the idea of deviance, and the 'discovery' of deviance, tells us about a society's degree of cohesion, tolerance, and control over individuals. The struggle to achieve stable uniformity - an absence of deviance - is an unending effort that can never succeed. The benchmarks for what constitutes as 'deviance' are constantly changing, as are the limits of tolerable difference.

This book asks whether earlier expectations are still appropriate and, if they are not, what we can reasonably expect societies to offer their members as they pass through the life cycle.

  • Assesses the historical context of deviance and social control
  • Focuses on the outcomes of deviance and conformity, crime and control, while addressing the costs and benefits of different regimes of social control
  • Uses a multi-paradigm approach to the understanding of deviance and conformity, from a functionalist, conflict, social constructionist (symbolic interactionist), feminist, and post-modern perspective

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