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Higher Education


Lorne Tepperman, Patrizia Albanese, James Curtis

Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Second Edition
ISBN 13: 9780195433609

About the Book

Featuring chapters contributed by leading Canadian sociologists, Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Second Edition, explores Canadian society and its place in the world. Sociology is aimed very specifically at full-year intro sociology courses, instructors who want a higher-level text to challenge and engage their students, and instructors who prefer the flexibility and choice (in terms of content and ancillary materials) that a big book brings. All aspects of the book have been thoroughly revised and updated for this second edition, which includes brand-new chapters on theory, mass media, and sexuality, as well as new references, inserts, learning materials, and photos.

LORNE TEPPERMAN is professor of sociology at the University of Toronto.

PATRIZIA ALBANESE is an Associate Professor of sociology at Ryerson University

JAMES CURTIS was a professor in the departments of Sociology and of Health Studies and Gerontology at the University of Waterloo.

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