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Higher Education

Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Second Edition - Chapter 13

Instructions: Click on the radio button beside your answers below. When you've completed the entire quiz, click the 'Submit my answers' button for your results.

Question 1:

a) Karl Marx
b) Emile Durkheim
c) Edwin Sutherland
d) Max Weber

Question 2:

a) force
b) persuasion
c) influence
d) authority

Question 3:

a) charismatic
b) rational-legal
c) traditional
d) modern

Question 4:

a) charismatic
b) rational-legal
c) traditional
d) authoritative

Question 5:

a) indoctrination and propaganda
b) freedom of movement for citizens
c) one-party rule
d) a centrally planned economy

Question 6:

a) the state's power can be exercised through several different administrative structures.
b) the ruling elite is composed of people from various class backgrounds.
c) political parties must compete for the votes of 'consumers' in the electorate.
d) there is a close alignment between class background and party preference.

Question 7:

a) the absence of bourgeoisie
b) a massive reservoir of peasants
c) strongly developed commercial agriculture by the landed aristocracy
d) equality between the landed aristocracy and the monarchy

Question 8:

a) pluralism
b) neo-Marxism
c) autonomous state
d) power/ruling elite

Question 9:

a) pluralism
b) power/ruling elite
c) neo-Marxism
d) feminism

Question 10:

a) law
b) farming
c) business and administration
d) social work related professions

Question 11:

a) pluralism
b) power/ruling elite
c) neo-Marxism
d) autonomous state

Question 12:

a) leadership was still largely controlled by the elite class rather than the majority.
b) emergence of political parties had not yet occurred.
c) many societies were still in transition between the old regime and the new democratic one.
d) men were the only ones entitled to vote.

Question 13:

a) The liberal party has always governed at the federal level.
b) A party receiving a percentage of the votes is guaranteed at least one seat in the House of Commons.
c) Support for the NDP has been steadily increasing over the past decade.
d) The majority does not always elect the governing party.

Question 14:

a) interactionist
b) feminist
c) functionalist
d) conflict

Question 15:

a) interactionist
b) feminist
c) functionalist
d) conflict

Question 16:

a) interactionist
b) feminist
c) functionalist
d) conflict

Question 17:

a) interactionist
b) feminist
c) functionalist
d) conflict

Question 18:

a) interactionist
b) feminist
c) functionalist
d) conflict

Question 19:

a) are in favour of privatization of health care.
b) are concerned about global warming.
c) feel terrorism is not a concern for Canada.
d) feel that Quebec should separate from the rest of Canada.