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Higher Education

Quiz for Chapter 7

Multiple Choice Questions

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1. From which colleague did Mead adopt the idea of the looking glass self?

a) Dewey
b) Bloomer
c) Cooley
d) Wundt


2. What did Mead use as an example of a significant gesture?

a) infant maturation
b) shouting 'Fire!' in a theatre
c) a feeling of empathy
d) making an adjusted response


3. Mind allows the individual to ________.

a) attribute significance to lower interpretive frameworks
b) understand gestures beyond significant symbols
c) turn reflexive responses into significant symbols
dd) temporarily suspend her response to significant symbols


4. The self emerges out of the individual's capacity to use ________.

a) Broca's area in the left hemisphere
b) language
c) neuro-linguistic utterances
d) identity management


5. What framework emerges when humans interact with each other via stabilized social relations?

a) culture
b) language
c) society
d) self


True or False Questions

1. For Mead, the acquisition of language follows mind, in that consciousness must precede communication


2. The last of three developmental stages of the self is the game stage.


3. Primary groups are human associations characterized by intimate face-to-face co-operation.


4. Mead argued that society is fixed and immutable.


5. Mead believed that communication involves both simple gestures and the use of significant gestures that hold the same meaning for all participants in a conversation.


Fill in the Blank Questions

1. The acquisition of language makes ________ possible.


2. Depending on the social context, different ________ selves are presented to different audiences.


3. Mead associated the 'I' with creative, spontaneous, and ________ behaviour.


4. Mead accepted one of the most general principles of ________, that all behaviours are learned.


5. Cooley argued that humans recognize the gestures of others; they use those gestures as a ________ to form in their imaginations an image of how they are perceived and judged by others.


Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mead distinguish between simple gestures and the use of significant gestures or symbols?


2. What is the relationship between the two phases of the self: the 'I' and the 'Me'?


3. How does a society emerge according to Mead?
