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Higher Education

Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, Third Edition — Chapter 22

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the 'Submit my answers' button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) The transition from a military economy to an economy structured around consumer goods proceeded smoothly.
b) Households had easier access to credit and were able to improve their living and housing conditions.
c) With the help of federal programs in both the US and Canada, a growing number of people chose to become homeowners, and many decided to move out of cities and into suburbs.
d) The administrative and financial assistance of higher levels of government in the building of highways connecting the new suburbs to the centre played an important role in the movement of middle-class households to the urban centres.
e) As a result of the transition to a knowledge economy, the problem was no longer adapting to growth and urbanization but rather stimulating job creation and finding incentives to keep households within city limits.

Question 2:

a) Central cities tend to lose the advantages they used to have in terms of access to centrality as multiple centres of commerce and services emerge at the periphery.
b) Peoples living in cities chiefly orient their action to other people according to functional needs.
c) Weak ties characterize the social interactions in cities.
d) The most important characteristics of a modern urban city are functional differentiation and individualism.
e) Only large industrial cities had a rich and diversified population.

Question 3:

a) relied heavily on public money for the funding and selection of projects
b) relied heavily on private initiatives for the funding and selection of projects
c) believed that green spaces and urban parks should be privately funded
d) were designed in the first half of the twentieth century
e) had virtually no parks

Question 4:

a) electricity for heat and light
b) water supply
c) gas for cooking and heating
d) telephone
e) all of the above

Question 5:

a) the politico-administrative system is now the centre of politics
b) in contemporary metropolises, social relationships are increasingly collectivized
c) specialized professionals who are connected to pressure groups are playing a decreasing role in defining and implementing state programs
d) the socio-economic changes after the war disrupted the model of the industrial city, which now relied on more individualized relationships and adopted redistributive and social measures to counter the inequalities of an ill-adapted welfare state
e) citizens are participating less in the processes of democratization

Question 6:

a) In the turmoil of a globalizing society, the state can no longer act as the only one in charge of establishing societal priorities.
b) Partnerships with economic, social, and community actors need to be arranged.
c) Decision making by a centralized authority should focus on public management without the participation of concerned actors.
d) Different categories of actors have to be involved in public policy making.
e) Governance rather than government, means that many actors need to be mobilized in order to achieve the public mission.

Question 7:

a) the emergence of a ‘new political culture’
b) the failure of traditional political institutions to produce a convincing legitimacy for the state
c) redesigning a new regime of public action
d) it relies on the ability to form governing coalitions that bring together the formal agencies of government with interest groups from the wider society
e) it requires a separation of public and private sectors

Question 8:

a) The mobility of individuals and households has increased a great deal in contemporary metropolises because of easier access to efficient means of transportation and communication.
b) The ‘era of great suburbs’ applies to the period after 1945 when North American central cities declined in terms of their population and economic activities.
c) The ‘technoburb’ is characterized by urban diversity without urban concentration.
d) The development of ‘technoburbs’ take place along highways, producing growth corridors with commercial centres, industrial parks, office space for retail, health care, or education, and diverse types of housing.
e) The ‘technoburbs’ focus on relationships with one another rather than with central cities.

Question 9:

a) By 2030, 60 per cent of the world population would be living in cities.
b) Africa and Asia would be the least urbanized at around 54 per cent.
c) In the developing world, over 50 per cent of the population would be living in cities.
d) In the developed world, 80 per cent of the population would be living in cities.
e) Global cities like New York, London, and Tokyo will perform a wider range of activities central to the globalization process.

Question 10:

a) It is contained growth and a struggle against sprawl in urban ‘development’.
b) Urban sprawl consumes resources and investments.
c) If compact cities are well served by public transport, air pollution, noise, and greenhouse-gas emissions will be reduced.
d) It may make people less dependent on their cars which could lead to improved health.
e) A compact city may engender a greater sense of individualism.

Question 11:

a) To respect and protect ecological integrity
b) To act with economic efficiency
c) To provide jobs and repair crumbling infrastructures
d) To foster and promote social equity
e) To promote healthy environments for all areas

Question 12:

a) consolidation of suburbs following the basic layout of individual housing
b) roads for the private car
c) commercial centres
d) some public spaces in the form of recreation facilities and green spaces
e) all of the above

Question 13:

a) Streetcars should replace the need for cars and walking long distances.
b) Promote greater density and deeper diversity instead of segregating urban functions in almost exclusive zones of industry, commerce, and residence.
c) A town or a city should have an identifiable centre and some identifiable peripheries.
d) Promote transit-oriented communities.
e) Promote environmental sustainability and improvement of urban life through planned communities.

Question 14:

a) Dispersion of economic activities over the territory
b) Increased mobility of individuals within and among urban agglomerations
c) Differentiated patterns of interaction within space
d) Priority to market over state regulation
e) All of the above

Question 15:

a) The ‘urban village’ model is mainly oriented toward use values and living space.
b) The ‘corporate city’ model is losing ground to the ‘urban village’ model.
c) The corporate city responds first and foremost to expectations for profit and revenue.
d) The corporate city is directly produced through the market and oriented toward the rise in value of economic investments.
e) The urban village is produced through social interaction and a concern for the common good.