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Higher Education

Part III
Gender, Race, and Racialization

Content Questions

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1. Why does this section use the term “racialization” rather than “race”?


2. Why does Razack describe the murder of Pamela George as a “fully colonial” act?


3. Why does Razack claim that Kummerfeld and Ternowetsky’s friends and family members partook of a “shared whiteness” in their testimony?


4. What details of George’s identity were the focus of media accounts of her trial?


5. What role did the media play in developing the understanding of racial profiling on the part of Kitossa and Deliovsky’s male informants?


6. According to Aujla, what racist concerns about Asian women’s reproductive practices were being circulated in early twentieth century Canada?


7. What common conversational experience does Aujla cite as evidence that even second-generation South Asian Canadians are not regarded as being “really” Canadian?


8. Why does Aujla argue that racism has a deeper and more detrimental effect on second-generation South Asian Canadian women than on first-generation ones?


9. In Creese’s study, what do African parents actively try to discourage among their children?


10. Why do Creese’s participants believe that African-Canadian young men and boys are more likely to identify with media-representations of African-American culture than their female counterparts?




Multiple Choice Questions for Part III

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the Submit my answers button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) A word which has no collective meaning
b) A person whose gender identity is ambiguous
c) A person whose racial identity is ambiguous
d) A word which has not clear and fixed meaning
e) Both B and C

Question 2:

a) It privileges people from specific class backgrounds.
b) It is an outgrowth of nineteenth-century science.
c) It “others” groups of people by defining them as deviant or different from the norm.
d) It has been the subject of feminist critique.
e) It applies only to members of subordinate groups.

Question 3:

a) First-degree murder
b) Manslaughter
c) Assault
d) Rape
e) They were found not guilty.

Question 4:

a) Aboriginal women were dishonest and untrustworthy.
b) Aboriginal women were more intelligent than white women.
c) Aboriginal women were violent and aggressive.
d) Aboriginal women were promiscuous and sexually available.
e) Aboriginal women were good wives.

Question 5:

a) It creates a boundary between the powerful self and the powerless other.
b) It is legitimated by colonial law.
c) It is never involved in the production of identity.
d) It is the preferred form of communication in the colonial encounter.
e) It is spatially regulated and produced.

Question 6:

a) It is rare in Canada.
b) It is broader than just law enforcement.
c) It is the dominant feature of interracial couples’ lives.
d) It has increased since the creation of multiculturalism as Canadian policy.
e) It is only relevant to people of colour.

Question 7:

a) They were prejudiced against White people.
b) They had been arrested for being an interracial couple.
c) They feared that Albert might be subject to negative attention from the police for having a White girlfriend.
d) They wanted him to marry within his own racial community.
e) Both A and D

Question 8:

a) As violent criminals
b) As illegal immigrants
c) As victims of harmful cultural practices
d) As victims of patriarchal society
e) As successful assimilators

Question 9:

a) It does not acknowledge the burdens of sexism.
b) It is primarily a creation of white men.
c) It cannot create meaningful change in Canada.
d) It does not acknowledge the deep roots of racism in Canadian history.
e) It is too academic.

Question 10:

a) African-Canadian girls find it easier to assimilate.
b) African-Canadian boys are expected to show deference to elders.
c) African-Canadian boys do not date white peers.
d) African-Canadian girls negotiate a double standard with respect to sexuality.
e) African-Canadian boys typically reject “white” culture.