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Higher Education

Part VI
The Gendered Family

Content Questions

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1. According to Ranson, what event makes it difficult if not impossible for women to continue as “conceptual men” in engineering?


2. In Ranson’s study, how did “Rosemary” position herself as a “conceptual father”?


3. How did the futures imagined by the women who had not yet had children in Ranson’s study match the experiences of the women who had already had children?


4. How did the fathers in Dominelli et al.’s study regard social workers?


5. Under what circumstances did the fathers in Dominelli et al.’s study believe that they were being “misrepresented” by social workers and others in the social service system?


6. In Dominelli et al.’s study, why did “Todd” believe that he is “invisible” to social workers?


7. What is the “trade-off” experienced by the elderly people in Martin-Matthew’s study in accepting home care service?


8. Did the elderly people in Martin-Matthew’s study regard the home care workers as friends, employees, or family members?


9. How did the fathers in Coltrane’s study begin to share responsibility for child care?


10. What is the “implicit equity ideal” expressed by the parents who shared responsibility for child care in Coltrane’s study?




Multiple Choice Questions for Part VI

Instructions: For each question, click on the radio button beside your answer. When you have completed the entire quiz, click the “Submit my answers” button at the bottom of the page to receive your results.

Question 1:

a) The number of women choosing engineering as a career has been declining.
b) Fathers now make up the majority of engineers.
c) The onset of motherhood is the point at which female engineers are most likely to diverge from their male peers.
d) Engineering consists many of dual career couples.
e) Engineers are less likely to have children than non-engineers.

Question 2:

a) The assumption that the ideal worker is one who is able to devote all his or her time completely to work
b) The tendency to assume that men are less competent than women
c) The contrast between women’s work at home and men’s work in the paid workforce
d) The steady movement of women into occupations formerly dominated by men
e) All of the above

Question 3:

a) Adapting one’s behaviour to that of one’s male peers
b) Working in workplaces dominated by men
c) Putting in long hours at work to the exclusion of other aspects of life
d) Attempting to fit in as “one of the boys”
e) Thinking of oneself as primarily masculine rather than feminine

Question 4:

a) They were regarded as unfit fathers by the social services system.
b) They had children who were in the care of social services.
c) They were struggling to balance parenting with the demands of careers.
d) They considered themselves to be better parents than their wives.
e) They had all been involved in the criminal justice system.

Question 5:

a) They alternated between being competent parents and struggling with parenting tasks.
b) Some had been determined to be unfit to care for children while others had not.
c) All the men had gone through periods of being prohibited from seeing their children.
d) They believed the child welfare system workers regarded them as incompetent fathers unless they could prove they were willing to meet the workers’ standards.
e) They had progressed over time from being regarded as poor role models to being regarded as exemplary parents.

Question 6:

a) They thought the child welfare workers did not recognize the signs of good parenting.
b) They thought the child welfare workers did not believe that they were competent parents.
c) They had received repeated negative reports from welfare workers.
d) Their spouse or former spouses did not want the father to have contact with the children.
e) The child welfare workers were not as knowledgeable about children as the fathers were.

Question 7:

a) They had appeared on reality TV shows.
b) They believed they had overcome adversity or bad choices in their past.
c) They had fought for custody of their children in the court system.
d) They had been forced out of a parenting role by child welfare workers.
e) They were more likely than other dads to have attained a high standard of living.

Question 8:

a) Male relatives did not enter the homes of older women without explicit permission.
b) Male relatives were more likely to pay for the purchase of goods and services needed by elderly women.
c) Male relatives were more likely to carry out tasks located outside the house and in the more public spaces of the house.
d) Male relatives took on very little responsibility compared to female counterparts.
e) Male relatives were unlikely to provide assistance unless asked or invited by spouses or siblings.

Question 9:

a) Shared and egalitarian
b) Structured according the gender roles
c) Flexible and changing
d) Contested and argumentative
e) Determined by economic forces beyond their control

Question 10:

a) Women were more likely than men to say they would be embarrassed if their house was not neat when visitors came over.
b) Men were more likely than women to want to hire paid housekeepers or nannies.
c) Men were more likely than women to express support for traditional gender roles.
d) Women and men were equally likely to feel embarrassment or shame related to the condition of children.
e) Neither men nor women accepted traditional gender roles in childcare and household.