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Higher Education


Frank Trovato

Canada's Population in a Global Context: An Introduction to Social Demography, Second Edition

ISBN 13: 9780199011124

About the Book

Now in its second edition, Canada's Population in a Global Context: An Introduction to Social Demography combines a detailed introduction to the essential measures and theories of population studies with sociological analysis of the historical, cultural, and socioeconomic factors that give rise to demographic change.

Written with Canadian students in mind, the text examines Canada's demography within a broader global context to reveal how Canadian population trends vary from or conform to patterns elsewhere in the world. In addition to providing a more balanced picture of population dynamics, this global perspective casts light on the vast disparity in demographic and socioeconomic conditions between the world's most and least developed nations.

With new research and statistics integrated throughout, this edition provides up-to-date discussions of fundamental topics in the field, including population history and theories of population change; the relationship of population to environment and resources; fertility, mortality, and nuptiality; migration and urbanization; age and sex composition; and population policy.

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