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Higher Education


Edited by Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese

Principles of Sociology, Fourth Edition

ISBN 13: 9780199023738

About the Book

Now in its fourth edition, Principles of Sociology remains the most concise yet comprehensive introduction to sociological theory and Canadian society. This text offers students an accessible approach to the core concepts and theories of sociology, and brings these principles to life with its discussions of cutting-edge research, historical developments, contemporary movements, and numerous Canadian and international real-world examples. Written by a team of experts from across Canada and fully up-to-date with the latest research and data, Principles of Sociology ensures that students have the most current understanding of sociology in Canada today.

The fourth edition features a new chapter on media and technology, including fascinating discussions of the digital divide, internet access, online identities, and surveillance. The text also includes a new "Researchers in Action" box that profiles Canadian sociologists, giving students insight into the exciting work that has been undertaken in various sub-disciplines of sociology, as well as new "Sociological Explorations," which are annotated sociological activities that encourage students to engage with sociological questions in their everyday lives.

Comprehensive, engaging, and packed with student-friendly features and supplements, Principles of Sociology gives students the opportunity to explore the core sociological topics in-depth and find new and surprising insights into Canadian society and Canada's place in the world.

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