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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

School Price: $134.95

432 pp.
full-colour illustrations, 8.5" x 11"


Publication date:
May 2002

Imprint: OUP Canada

Transitions in Society

The Challenge of Change

Colin M. Bain, Jill S. Colyer, Dennis Des Rivieres and Sean Dolan

Trillium Listed!

Transitions in Society: The Challenge of Change explores the many trends and issues in Canada's ever-changing society. This is a full-colour text written specifically for the new Grade 12 course in Ontario called Challenge and Change in Society.

The unit structure mirrors the new curriculum strands: Social Change, Social Trends and Social Challenges. Each unit also examines a group of specific social science skills: Conducting research in the Social Sciences, Processing and Interpreting reseach findings, and Communicating research findings.

Specific features include Film Society, Competing Perspectives, Focus on Issues, and Groundbreakers.

Readership : Students of the Ontario Grade 12 Challenge and Change in Society course

Unit 1: Examining Social Change
1. An Introduction to the Social Sciences
2. Explanation of Social Change
3. Forces that Cause Social Change
4. Technology and Social Change
Unit 2: Social Trends
5. The Baby Boom and Echo
6. Trends Relating to Fertility and Fecundity
7. Trends Relating to the Life Cycle
Unit 3: Social Change
8. Health and Wellness Challenges
9. Prejudice and Discrimination
10. Global Challenges

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Colin Bain: Retired teacher, Acton District HS Jill Colyer: Teacher, Kitchener Waterloo CVI Dennis Des Rivieres: Teacher, St Christopher CSS Sean Dolan: Teacher, Loyola CSS

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