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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $209.99

328 pp.
21 figures; 16 tables; 55 photos, 8" x 10"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada

Educational Psychology

Applications in Canadian Classrooms, Second Edition

Alan Edmunds and Gail Edmunds

This innovative introduction to educational psychology in Canada connects theory to practice by documenting - through letters, journal entries, and the authors' accompanying commentary - a typical educator's experience teaching students of various ages, grades, nationalities, and abilities. This unique approach covers teaching and learning, development, individual variability, and diversity, while bringing together classroom management and assessment in a way that is practical, instructive, and accessible for teacher-candidates.

Readership : This is a core text for educational psychology courses offered as part of a BEd program. This text and its application-centred approach has been written expressly for pre-service teachers earning a teaching degree.


  • "The text is well thought out and presented in a meaningful way to B.Ed. students. . . . It promotes and models reflection and research."
    --Shaunda Wood, St. Thomas University

  • "The text's conversational approach is inviting. . . . [The characters] stand as good examples for both students and teachers to collaborate and apply a common-sense and working strategy for effective teaching."
    --Ibrahim Sumrain, MacEwan University

Note: Every chapter concludes with:
Annette's Journal
Annette's Exploration of the Research
Annette's Resource List
From the Authors' Notebook
Reflecting on Practice
Chapter Summary
List of New Terms
Review Questions
1. Early August: Planning for the Upcoming School Year
From the Authors' Notebook
Primary Learning Objectives
The Little Red Schoolhouse
Teaching Considerations
Educational Psychology
- Commonplaces of Education
- Applying Psychological Theories to Education
- Foundational Topics of Educational Psychology
- Research in Educational Psychology
The Students of The Little Red Schoolhouse
Teacher Planning
- Curricular Planning
- Instructional Planning
Assignment: My Approach to Teaching
2. Late August: Considering Developmental Differences
From the Authors' Notebook
Primary Learning Objectives
Teaching Students of Different Ages
Developmental Influences
- Principles of Development
- Physical/Biological Development
- Cognitive/Learning Development
- The Psychological Structures of Learning
- Domain-Specific Learning
- Challenge the Brain: Enhancing Learning
- Language Development
- Personal and Social Development
- Moral Development
Societal Influences
- Ecological Theory
3. First Week of School: Establishing a Positive Learning Experience
From the Authors' Notebook
Primary Learning Objectives
Deciding on an Approach to Classroom Management
Dynamic Classroom Management
- Motivational Underpinnings - Behaviour
- The First Day of School
- Several Days Later
ADHD - Addressing Zach's Classroom Behaviour
4. Mid-September: Making Instructional Decisions
From the Authors' Notebook
Primary Learning Objectives
Determining the Starting Point for Instruction - Diagnostic Assessment
Determining Exactly What to Teach
- Learning Objectives and Lesson Plans
- Backward Design
- Bloom's Taxonomy
Choosing Effective Instructional Mechanisms
My Instructional Practices
- My Preferred Instructional Mechanisms
- My Three Guiding Principles
- Theoretical Basis for My Instruction
Motivational Underpinnings
- Direct Instruction
- Student Problem-Solving
- Summary
Putting Teacher Knowledge into Practice
5. Late September: Assessing Student Progress
From the Authors' Notebook
Primary Learning Objectives
Deciding on an Approach to Assessment
Talking to Students about Assessment
Assessment of Student Learning
- The Purposes of Assessment
- The Assessment Design Process
- Testing Issues
- Frequency of Testing
- Types of Assessment Questions
Assignment - My Use of Assessment Tools
- Authentic Assessment
- Portfolios
Evaluating Effectiveness of Assessment Tools
The Student Teacher's Role in the Classroom
6. Early December: Individual Differences - Intellectual Abilities and Challenges
From the Authors' Notebook
Primary Learning Objectives
Parent Concern - Our Son Doesn't Seem As Smart as the Other Students
- Is Intelligence a Structure or a Process?
- The Source of Intelligence
- Why Is It Important for Teachers to Understand Intelligence?
- An Example of an Intelligence Test
Special Education
- Who Are the Students Who Receive Special Education?
- Controversies Surrounding Special Education
- Individualized Education Programs
- The Cognitive Abilities of Students with Exceptionalities
- Students with ADHD
- Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Students who Are Gifted and Talented
- Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities
- Students with Specific Learning Disorders
Cognitive Styles, Learning Styles, and Temperament
7. Early February: Socio-Cultural Considerations
From the Authors' Notebook
Primary Learning Objectives
Cultural Differences in The Little Red Schoolhouse
Socio-Cultural Perspectives
- Differences Within Identified Groups
- Positioning Cultural Identity Within the Individual
- Stereotype Threat and Socio-Economic Status
Multicultural Education
Aboriginal Education
8. End of School Year: Standardized Achievement Tests
From the Authors' Notebook
Primary Learning Objectives
Determining Student Achievement
Testing Issues
- What Is a Standardized Test?
- Achievement versus Aptitude Tests
- Stakeholders' Views of Standardized Testing
- Misconceptions
- Constructing Better Standardized Tests
- Connections Between Classroom Curricula and Standardized Tests
- Preparing Students for Test-Writing
- Interpreting Test Results
Canadian Standards for Student Achievement Testing
Canadian Debate over Standardized Testing

Instructor's Manual:
Table of Contents recap
Explanation of learning objectives and how to communicate them to students
Pre-class assignments
Lecture ideas
Discussion ideas based on Think boxes
Suggested classroom activities
Student evaluation
Handouts (activities, assignments, in-class tests)
PowerPoint slides:
For each chapter:
25-40 lecture outline slides
Test Bank:
For each chapter:
20-25 multiple choice questions
10-15 true-or-false questions
5-10 short answer questions
4-5 essay questions
Student Study Guide:
Learning objectives
Practice tests:
- Multiple choice questions
- True-or-false questions
- Fill-in-the-blank questions
- Short answer questions
E-Book (ISBN 9780199011018)

Alan Edmunds is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario. For 20 years, Edmunds has worked as a special education teacher, a school psychologist, a private educational consultant, and as a faculty member at four different Canadian universities. His interests have always been in providing optimum learning environments for all individuals with exceptional learning needs, including adults and those who are highly gifted. He has taught educational psychology and special education at the undergraduate level and specialty courses in learning disabilities, giftedness, and cognition and learning. In his spare time he coaches the UWO Women's Golf Team.

Gail Edmunds is a Research Coordinator at the Centre for Inclusive Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario. In recent years, Gail has been the research officer for the Esso Family Math Project and also works with Alan Edmunds on his research with a precocious child writer. She is also a freelance writer/editor.

Making Sense in Education - Margot Northey, Kristen Ferguson and Jon G. Bradley

Special Features

  • Written by Canadian instructors for Canadian students, including references and examples throughout that are relevant to teachers in this country.
  • An engaging narrative written from the perspective of a fictional teacher provides an account of how a teacher gathers, processes, and understands important theoretical and practical information.
  • Grounded in the activities of an actual classroom, presenting concepts in educational psychology as they apply directly to teacher-candidates and their experiences.
  • Chapter sequence follows the timeline of a school year - August to June - outlining what teachers will encounter in each month.
  • Emphasizes the connection between theory and practice, demonstrating the relationship and interaction between topics such as classroom management and assessment of learning as they are experienced in the real world, rather than treating them in isolation.
New to this Edition
  • New features improve navigation of the text - including a detailed table of contents, a topic concordance, and a description of the text's unique approach provided in the preface.
  • Updates to Annette's Exploration of the Research include new readings that cite contemporary research and articles.
  • Increased coverage of multiculturalism and Aboriginal education prepares teacher-candidates for a diverse set of students.
  • Additional coverage of key topics such as self-directed learning, standardized testing in Canada, and the Individual Education Program (IEP).
  • Expanded pedagogy - including review questions and a glossary of key terms - encourages student reflection and gives them the tools to better understand the material.