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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $158.99

576 pp.
25 photos; 5 figures; 11 tables; 3 maps, 7" x 9"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada

Quebec Questions

Quebec Studies for the Twenty-first Century, Second Edition

Edited by Stephan Gervais, Christopher Kirkey and Jarrett Rudy

What is Quebec's relationship with the rest of Canada? What makes Quebec culture distinct? What is Quebec's place on the international stage? Quebec Questions guides students through the process of examining these and other fundamental questions that underlie key debates and issues in Quebec. Bringing together compelling insights from leading scholars of various specialties, this intriguing collection encourages a multidisciplinary approach to thinking about Quebec from various historical, social, cultural, political, and economic perspectives. Featuring six new chapters as well as extensive updates throughout, the second edition of Quebec Questions offers readers an up-to-date, thoughtful, and passionate exploration of la belle province.

Readership : Second-, third-, and fourth-year students taking Quebec history, Quebec studies, Quebec politics, or Quebec nationalism courses.


  • "[Quebec Questions] is more effective as a teaching resource than any other textbook that I know of on Quebec studies. . . . The material is factually sound and certainly well-supported by research."
    --Molly Ungar, University of the Fraser Valley

  • "This reader reflects an important contribution to Quebec studies."
    --Kathleen Lord, Mount Allison University

Stéphan Gervais, Christopher Kirkey, Jarrett Rudy: General Introduction
Part A: Memories
Stéphan Gervais, Christopher Kirkey, and Jarrett Rudy: Introduction
1. Brett Rushforth: The Establishment of a French Empire in North America
2. Donald Fyson: The Canadiens and the Conquest of Quebec: Interpretations, Realities, Ambiguities
3. Brian Young: Thinking about Power in Post-Rebellion Quebec, 1837-1867
4. Micheline Milot: That Priest-Ridden Province? Politics and Religion in Quebec
5. Jocelyn Maclure and François Boucher: Quebec's Culture War: Two Conceptions of Quebec Identity
Part B: Identities
Stéphan Gervais, Christopher Kirkey, and Jarrett Rudy: Introduction
6. Yvan Lamonde: Quebec's Americanicity
7. Germain Lacasse: Quebec Cinema: Telling Pictures (New)
8. Andrew Holman: Sport and Identities in Quebec (New)
9. Dominic Hardy: Shared Territories: Key Issues in the History of Visual Arts in Quebec, 1600-1960 (New)
Part C: Language
Stéphan Gervais, Christopher Kirkey, and Jarrett Rudy: Introduction
10. Chantal Bouchard: The Sociolinguistic History of French in Quebec
11. Linda Cardinal: Language Politics and Language Policies in Quebec and in Canada
12. Daniel Weinstock: The Politics of Language: Philosophical Reflections on the Case of Quebec
13. Christopher Jones: Popular Music in Quebec
Part D: Citizenship
Stéphan Gervais, Christopher Kirkey, and Jarrett Rudy: Introduction
14. Denyse Baillargeon: Quebec Women of the Twentieth Century: Milestones in an Unfinished Journey
15. Raffaele Iacovino: Between Unity and Diversity: Examining the "Quebec Model" of Integration
16. Maryse Potvin: Interethnic Relations and Racism in Quebec
17. Marie McAndrew, Geneviève Audet, and Mahsa Bakhshaei: Immigration and Diversity in Quebec's Schools: An Assessment
18. Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens: Canadian Federalism and Quebec's Pathological Prism (New)
19. Éric Bélanger and Chris Chhim: National Identity and Support for Sovereignty in Quebec (New)
Part E: Quebec Models
Stéphan Gervais, Christopher Kirkey, and Jarrett Rudy: Introduction
20. Diane Lamoureux: The Paradoxes of Quebec Feminism
21. Peter Graefe: The Politics of Social and Economic Development in Quebec
22. David Massell: A Question of Power: A Brief History of Hydroelectricity in Quebec
23. Antonia Maioni: Health Care in Quebec
24. Daniel Jutras: Legal Tradition, National Identity, and Quebec Exceptionalism (New)
Part F: Quebec International
Stéphan Gervais, Christopher Kirkey, and Jarrett Rudy: Introduction
25. Martin Papillon: Indigenous Peoples and Quebec: Competing or Coexisting Nationalisms?
26. Jody Neathery-Castro and Mark Rousseau: Quebec and La Francophonie: The Province as Global Player
27. Louis Balthazar: The Ottawa-Quebec-Washington Dance: The Political Presence of Quebec in the United States
28. Sylvain Schryburt: Quebec Theatre: New Dynamics between the Local and the International
Glossary (New)

Image Bank
- Includes images and art from the text

Stéphan Gervais is the coordinator of Quebec Studies at McGill University.

Christopher Kirkey is director of the Center for the Study of Canada at State University of New York College at Plattsburgh, where he holds the concurrent position of full professor of political science.

Jarrett Rudy is an associate professor in the Department of History and Classical Studies at McGill University.

An Illustrated History of Quebec - Peter Gossage and Jack Little
Writing History - William Kelleher Storey and Towser Jones
A History of the Canadian Peoples - J. M. Bumsted and Michael C. Bumsted
The Peoples of Canada - J. M. Bumsted
The Peoples of Canada - J.M. Bumsted

Special Features

  • Multidisciplinary approach features contributions by specialists not only in history and political science but in literature, sociology, and philosophy, providing a well-rounded account of Quebec history.
  • Thematically organized into six parts--Memories, Identities, Language, Citizenship, Quebec Models, and Quebec International--representing important research areas in the study of Quebec.
  • Engaging box program--including Biography boxes, Case Study boxes, and NEW! Primary Source boxes--highlight significant personalities and events, offering students engaging insight into historical moments and figures in Quebec society.
  • Comprehensive pedagogy--including part-opening introductions, chapter-opening timelines, critical thinking questions, and bibliographic resources--gives context to, and reinforces, key concepts.
New to this Edition
  • Six new chapters cover a range of topics, including Quebec cinema (Ch. 7), sport (Ch. 8), visual art (Ch. 9), the province's perspectives on Canadian federalism (Ch. 18), support for sovereignty (Ch. 19), and legal traditions (Ch. 24).
  • New Primary Source boxes encourage students to form their own critical interpretations of documents that explore chapter issues first-hand.
  • Updated part introductions and chapter material ensure content is current and addresses contemporary issues and events.
  • End-of-text glossary provides all key terms in one place for quick reference.