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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $131.99

480 pp.
39 photos; 51 figures; 7 tables, 8" x 10"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: Oxford University Press

Successful Business Communication

Bridging the Gap, Second Edition

Deborah Luchuk

Successful Business Communication, Second Edition, is a concise yet comprehensive Canadian-authored core text with a practical approach and conversational tone, suitable for business communication courses at the college and university level. It provides step-by-step instruction on the common forms of business communication that students will encounter in the workplace, as well as a practical examination of how these forms are actually used. Luchuk also highlights the importance of adapting to recent trends in business, offering guidance on cross-cultural communication in a global context and instruction on using social media and other digital technologies as tools for business communication. With sample documents from actual business practice, realistic case studies, opportunities to apply concepts, and professional tips distilled from Luchuk's years of industry experience, Successful Business Communication seamlessly "bridges the gap" between classroom instruction and real-world application.

The second edition is revised and updated to reflect current trends and changes in business communication, including new Technology boxes in every chapter, which introduce students to technologies that are changing the way businesses communicate, such as email conferencing, cloud computing, and text messaging. It also includes interviews with two social media experts. Finally, to provide students with opportunities to practice applying critical thinking skills in business, the second edition also features new "Food for Thought" critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter.

Readership : Successful Business Communication: Bridging the Gap, Second Edition, is a core text for business communication courses offered at colleges and for those university business communication courses where a practical approach is taken. These courses are generally offered in first and second year.

Brief Contents
Detailed Contents
Preface and Acknowledgements
From the Publisher
1. Starting Points for Business Communication
Learning Objectives
Before You Begin...
Starting Point Questions for Business Communications
- What Is Primary and Secondary Research?
- Acceptable, Reliable Research Sources
- How to Organize Your Research
Documentation and Citations
- Why Document Sources?
- So What Documentation System Do I Use?
- Resources
- Using In-house Communication Style
- Editing and Refining Your Writing
Document Organization and Presentation
- Cover Page
- Table of Contents
- Section and Subsection Numbering
- Professional Document Presentation
- Electronic Transmission or Submission of Documents
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
2. Memos, Email Messages, and Social Media
Learning Objectives
Memos and Email Messages, Social Media: A Case Study
Before You Begin...
Your Starting Point
Creating the Written Product: How to Do It
- Memo Format
- Email Format
Generic Examples of the Written Work
Checking Your Work
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Debate and Discussion Starters
Practising What You Have Learned
3. Business Letters
Learning Objectives
Business Letters: A Case Study
Before You Begin...
Your Starting Point
Creating the Written Product: How to Do It
- Preparing to Write
- Preparing for Citations
- Organizing Information and Writing: Format
Generic Examples of the Written Work
Checking Your Work
- Content Editing, Copy Editing, and Formatting Review
Oral Presentation of the Business Letter
Electronic Submission of Business Letters
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Practising What You Have Learned
4. Writing Clearly: Editing for Effective Writing
Writing Clearly: A Case Study
Your Starting Point
Editing the Written Product: How to Do It
- Review
- Content
- Organization
- Documentation
- Style
- Mechanics
- Revise
- Refine
Generic Examples of the Edited Work
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Debate and Discussion Starters
Practising What You Have Learned
5. Everyday Oral Communications
Learning Objectives
Meetings and Minute-Taking: A Case Study
Before You Begin...
Your Starting Point
Creating the Oral/Written Product: How to Do It
- Preparing to Write
- Preparing for Citations
Organizing Information and Writing: Format
Generic Examples of the Written Work
Checking Your Work
- Content Editing, Copy Editing, and Formatting Review
Circulating the Minutes
Oral Presentation of the Minutes
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Practising What You Have Learned
6. Communicating in Teams and Small Groups
Learning Objectives
Communicating in Teams: A Case Study
Before You Begin...
Your Starting Point
- Creating a Team
- Developing a Team Member Profile and Setting Criteria for Formulating Teams
- Culture and Teams
- Team Member Roles and Responsibilities
- Team Contacts
- Contingency Plan
Getting to Work with Your Team
- Stages of Team Development
- Managing Team Meetings
Wrapping Up Your Team
- Evaluation
- Individual Evaluation
- Group Evaluation
- Adjourning the Team
A Generic Example of the Written Work
Checking Your Work
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Debate and Discussion Starters
Practising What You Have Learned
7. Team Communications Projects
Learning Objectives
Team Communications Projects: A Case Study
Before You Begin . . .
- Why Work in Teams on Writing Projects?
- The Consensus Model of Team Writing
- The Delegation Model of Team Writing
- The Collaboration Model of Team Writing
- Who Are Your Readers
Your Starting Point
Creating the Written Product: How to Do It
- Preparing to Write
- Preparing for Citations
- Initial Editing for Content
- Organizing Information and Writing: Format
Checking Your Work
- Content Editing, Copy Editing, and Formatting Review
What Happens to Your Document Next?
Oral Presentation of the Team Project
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Debate and Discussion Starters
Practising What You Have Learned
8. Informal Reports
Learning Objectives
Informal Reports: A Case Study
Before You Begin...
Your Starting Point
Creating the Written Product: How to Do It
- Preparing to Write
- Preparing for Citations
- Organizing Information and Writing: Format
Generic Examples of the Written Work
Checking Your Work
- Content Editing
- Copy Editing
- Formatting Review
Oral Presentation of the Informal Report
Preparing and Sending Your Report
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Debate and Discussion Starters
Practising What You Have Learned
9. Formal Reports
Learning Objectives
Formal Reports: A Case Study
Before You Begin . . .
- Formal Reports vs. Informal Reports
- Organizing More Details in a Formal Report
- Never Assume Your Reader Knows Anything!
Your Starting Point
Creating the Written Product: How to Do It
- Preparing to Write
- Preparing for Citations
- Organizing Information and Writing: Format
A Generic Example of the Written Work
Checking Your Work
- Content Editing, Copy Editing, and Formatting Review
- Final Preparation of the Formal Report
Oral Presentation of the Formal Report
Preparing and Sending Your Report
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Practising What You Have Learned
10. Informal Proposals
Learning Objectives
Informal Proposals: A Case Study
Before You Begin...
Your Starting Point
Creating the Written Product: How to Do It
- Preparing to Write
- Preparing for Citations
- Organizing Information and Writing: Format
Generic Examples of the Written Work
Checking Your Work
- Content Editing
- Copy Editing
- Formatting Review
- Press print ... or Send!
Oral Presentation of the Informal Proposal
- Who is Your Audience?
- What are the Logistics?
- Presentation Format
- No AV Resources?
- Working with (or without) AV Resources
- Questions
- Handouts
- Follow-Up
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Practising What You Have Learned
11. Formal Proposals
Learning Objectives
Formal Proposals: A Case Study
Before You Begin . . .
- So how is the proposal formal?
- Assume That Your Reader Knows Nothing About the Proposal Topic
- Targeted Research Persuades Readers
- Who Else Might Read the Proposal?
- What's an RFP?
- Formatting the Proposal
- Use the Format to Organize Information
- Introduce the Proposal with a Letter
Your Starting Point
Creating the Written Product: How to Do It
- Preparing to Write
- Preparing for Citations
- Organizing Information and Writing: Format
A Generic Example of the Written Work
Checking Your Work
- Content Editing
- Copy Editing
- Formatting Review
- Press Print . . . or Send!
- Presentation Guidelines
Oral Presentation of the Formal Proposal
- Who Is Your Audience?
- What Are the Logistics?
- Presentation Format
- Working With (or Without) AV Resources
- Questions
- Handouts
- Follow-up
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Practising What You Have Learned
12. Oral Presentations
Learning Objectives
Oral Presentations: A Case Study
Before You Begin...
Your Starting Point
- Assess the Reason and Receivers
- Assess the Conditions
Creating the Oral Presentation: How to Do It
- Preparing to Present
- Preparing for Citations
- Organizing Information and Writing: Format
Checking Your Work
- Content Editing, Copy Editing, and Formatting Review
Delivering the Presentation
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Debate and Discussion Starters
Practising What You Have Learned
13. Résumés and Cover Letters
Learning Objectives
Communications for Career Development: A Case Study
Before You Begin...
Your Starting Point
- Envisioning Your Job or Career
- Research into Organizations and Businesses
- Research for Advertised Jobs
- Research and the Covering Letter
- Research and the Résumé
Creating the Written Product: How to Do It
- Preparing to Write
- Organizing Information and Writing: Format
Generic Examples of the Written Work
Checking Your Work
- Content Editing, Copy Editing, and Formatting Review
Sending Your Application Pieces by Email, Snail Mail, or Fax
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Debate and Discussion Starters
14. Job and Informational Interviews
Learning Objectives
Job and Informational Interviews: A Case Study
Before You Begin . . .
- Research Is Critical to Success
- Use Your Contacts to Get in the Door
- Conduct Interviews to Obtain More Employer/Sector Information
- The Big Event: The Job Interview
Your Starting Point
- Envisioning Your Job or Career
- Research into Organizations and Businesses
- Questions to Ask about Companies or Organizations
- Summary of Information
- Reviewing the Job Posting before a Job Interview
- Résumé (and Cover Letter)
- Are You Ready to Go for It?
Job and Informational Interviews: How to Do Them
- Setting Up an Informational Interview
- Preparing for the Job Interview
- Potential Questions: Informational Interview
- Potential Questions: Job Interview
- What to Expect: Informational Interview
- What to Expect: Job Interview
- Checklist to Prepare for Informational and Job Interviews
Chapter Summary
Suggestions for Further Reading
Debate and Discussion Starters
Practising What You Have Learned
Appendix A: Grammar Handbook
Appendix B: Documenting Sources

Test Generator:
For each chapter:
- 35-40 multiple-choice questions
- 20 true-or-false questions
- 8-9 short-answer questions
Bank of cross-disciplinary model documents
- 60 model documents from a wide range of workplace settings and contexts-10 New
Instructor's Manual:
- Preamble
- NEW Accessibility Standards and Critical Thinking Coverage in Preamble
- Chapter Summary
- Learning Objectives
- Key Concepts
- Suggested In-Class Activities and Group Activities
- Suggested Questions for Class Discussion
- Additional Resources-Annotated
-- Websites and Suggested Readings
- Assignment Marking Rubrics
- Grid Template for Chapter Activities
Online chapters:
6 complete additional chapters (including separate glossary), updated for the second edition:
- Chapter 15: Promotional Communications
- Chapter 16: Marketing Plans
- Chapter 17: Advertising Communications
- Chapter 18: Public Relations: A Starting Point
- Chapter 19: Business Plans
- Chapter 20: Writing for the Web
Online grammar quizzes:
Identifying Punctuation Errors
Identifying Modifier Errors
Identifying Errors in Parallelism
Identifying Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement 1
Identifying Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement 2
Identifying Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement 3
Identifying Comma Errors
Identifying Sentence Errors
Identifying Word-Choice Errors
Identifying Errors in Subject-Verb/Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
PowerPoint slides:
15-25 slides for each chapter
Student Study Guide:
Each chapter contains:
- Chapter summary
- Learning objectives
- Key concepts
- 9-10 review questions with answers
- Additional resources
Oxford-created blog, Facebook, and Twitter pages
Mobile Study Centre App

Deborah Luchuk teaches part-time at Trent University and taught at Sir Sanford Fleming College prior to that. She is currently working toward an MA in English Literature at Trent University. She is the president of Luchuk Communications Incorporated, a company specializing in business planning, management development consulting, corporate training, and marketing planning. Ms. Luchuk also teaches a Youth Entrepreneurship Program for at-risk youth for the Government of Canada, where she has mentored over 80 businesses since she developed the program in 2002. Successful Business Communication reflects current curriculum and techniques that have been thoroughly classroom tested and distilled from real-world business practice.

The Canadian Writer's Handbook - The late William E. Messenger, Jan de Bruyn, Judy Brown and Ramona Montagnes
The Concise Canadian Writer's Handbook - The late William E. Messenger, Jan de Bruyn, Judy Brown and Ramona Montagnes
Making Sense - Margot Northey and Joan McKibbin

Special Features

  • INFORMAL STYLE, CONTEMPORARY APPROACH: Successful Business Communication, Second Edition, uses a more informal writing style that speaks directly to students and shows them how businesses currently communicate using the latest technologies and practices.
  • BETTER PREPARES STUDENTS FOR THE WORKFORCE: Successful Business Communication, Second Edition, is loaded with insider tips, Employability Skills, real-world examples, and content that will improve students' <"soft skills.>" Combined with additional online chapters for on-the-job activities, Successful Business Communication, more than any other text, prepares students for effective communication in their upcoming career.
  • GREATER COVERAGE AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY: The second edition of Successful Business Communication builds on its strong coverage of technology through the inclusion of technology boxes that highlight trending technologies. A blog and Twitter and Facebook pages are added to share latest information and to serve as models for effective use of social media.
  • UNITES PRACTICES AND PRACTICE: Written specifically for Canadian students studying business communication, Successful Business Communication, Second Edition, teaches students the "how" and "why" of business communication and then offers students the opportunity to practice the skills.
  • VETTED BY BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS: Successful Business Communication, Second Edition, is the only business communication text that has been reviewed by Canadian business professionals, ensuring that it adheres to real business practices.
  • EXAMPLES FOR EVERY STUDENT: Examples presented in the textbook are from actual business practice and were selected from a range of disciplines and industries that students study in and are likely to find employment in upon graduation.
  • GREATER CRITICAL THINKING COVERAGE: Through coverage in its first chapter and selected exercises in each chapter, Successful Business Communication, Second Edition, helps students to apply what they have learned and enables them to make better decisions about document design and content.
  • CASE-STUDY APPROACH: Case studies are used to help students develop critical abilities and to cultivate decision-making strategies.
  • RESOURCES FOR EVERY INSTRUCTOR: A full suite of ancillaries, including an instructor's manual, test generator, and PowerPoint slides, makes Successful Business Communication, Second Edition, suitable for seasoned and new instructors, with or without in-the-field business communication experience, teaching in all instructional modes and for students with diverse learning needs.