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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $84.99

168 pp.
17 figures, 50 tables, 9 photos (all black and white), 7" x 9"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada

Special Education Case Studies

for Ontario Classrooms

Kimberly Maich and Randy Hill

Special Education Case Studies is an exciting new resource for teacher-candidates as well as fully certified teachers preparing to teach in inclusive classrooms in Ontario. Each chapter is composed of five original cases demonstrating the practices and processes of Special Education. Spanning kindergarten to high school graduation, these well-written stories provide a practical and realistic snapshot of what teaching in an inclusive classroom in Ontario really looks like.

Readership : This book is a supplemental text for special education courses at universities in Ontario, either through education departments or through additional qualification courses.


  • "I sat down and was caught as soon as I started reading the chapters. ...This text offers so many teaching and communication strategies for teachers and administrators."
    --Gaby van der Giessen, Laurentian University

  • "Very practical [and] realistic descriptions of students with special needs, as well as thoughts and actions of stakeholders throughout the special education system in Ontario."
    --Ron Phillips, Nipissing University

Note: Each chapter also includes:
- Introduction
- For each case study:
-- Sample documents
-- 5-7 brief response questions
-- 5-7 in-depth response questions
- Marginal glossary
- Suggested resources
- References
1. Primary
Case 1: What's Next for Nora?
Case 2: What Does Luc Need?
Case 3: Getting Ready for Rayna
Case 4: A Query around Scarlett
Case 5: Dana's Transition to School
2. Junior
Case 1: The Resource Team
Case 2: Max's Behaviour
Case 3: Cassalena's Pathway
Case 4: Vanessa's Bully
Case 5: Ms Ikeda's Relaxation Station
3. Intermediate
Case 1: No IEPs?
Case 2: My New Best Friend is a Service Dog
Case 3: Henrik's New Accommodations
Case 4: Peyton's Passions
Case 5: Jami and His Assistive Tech
4. Senior
Case 1: Helmut
Case 2: High School with Trey
Case 3: Sharina, Self-Advocate
Case 4: Kai's Blog
Case 5: Looking Back-Looking Ahead

E-Book ISBN 9780199022182

Kimberly Maich is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Memorial University. She has studied and taught from coast-to-coast in Canada from Vancouver, BC, to St. Anthony, NL, and spent much of her career as a resource teacher, supporting students with exceptionalities from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Her primary areas of research lie in special education; specifically, Autism Spectrum Disorders in inclusive school environments. She has published articles in journals like Exceptionality Education International; Autism and Developmental Disabilities Online Journal; Behavioural Disorders; and The Journal of International Special Needs Education.

Randy Hill is Lecturer in Special Education and Curriculum Coordinator for Special Education Additional Qualification Courses in the Department of Teacher Education at the Brock University Faculty of Education. Randy brings 32 years of teaching and administrative experience at the elementary and secondary levels to his faculty role at Brock University. He teaches special education and educational psychology courses at Brock, as well as Special Education AQ courses. He is also the out of region coordinator for the department at two campuses and oversees the additional qualification course accreditation to the Ontario College of Teachers as curriculum coordinator. He recently had articles published in Teaching and Learning, and in Exceptionality Education International.

Special Education in Canada - Alan Edmunds and The late Gail Edmunds

Special Features

  • Ontario-specific content enables teacher-candidates to apply the definitions, resources, policies, and categories mentioned in the book directly to their classroom strategies.
  • Realistic case studies provide practical examples - including sample student profiles and assessments - that prepare teacher-candidates to effectively support students with exceptionalities.
  • Diverse perspectives - including stories from the perspective of classroom teachers, resource teachers, parents, administrators, and students - provide a comprehensive picture of Special Education in Ontario.
  • Inclusive examples - ranging from cases on Indigenous students, teachers who had accommodations for their own exceptionalities as children, and cases where parents needed to advocate for their children - illustrate the range of issues that educators face on a daily basis.
  • Engaging writing style makes the challenges presented in each case study easy and enjoyable to read about and learn from.