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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $137.99

424 pp.
38 photos; 19 figures; 35 tables (photos black & white; figures and tables 2-colour), 8" x 10"


Copyright Year:

Imprint: OUP Canada

Special Education in Canada

Third Edition

Alan Edmunds and The late Gail Edmunds

This insightful introduction to teaching students with exceptionalities uses real-life case studies to illustrate the educational realities faced by students with special needs, as well as their teachers and families. Compelling and inspirational, Special Education in Canada will help teachers understand diverse learning requirements in their classrooms and encourage students with exceptionalities to reach their full potential.

Readership : Suitable for special education courses as part of a Bachelor of Education program and Additional Qualification courses offered through faculties of education and/or local school boards.


  • "This book is head and shoulders above other texts in that it is case study based and very readable. The case studies make the exceptionalities come to life for my students."
    --Gaby van der Giessen, Laurentian University

  • "I find this book to be superior to other textbooks that I've come across on this topic. The case studies and focus on recent research are what set it apart from other books.

    So many of the books I have considered for my courses describe only the general features of the categories without acknowledging individual differences. By using a case study approach, Special Education in Canada reinforces the idea that teachers need to get to know each and every one of their students in order to support them effectively.

    My students love reading the case studies - they find them to be fascinating and very helpful for understanding how a special need might express itself in a particular individual."
    --Elina Birmingham, Simon Fraser University

1. Meaningful Stories: Meaningful Learning
A Constructivist Approach
The Framework of the Text
A Reminder
2. Introduction to Special Education
What Is Special Education?
The Modern History of Special Education
Prevalence of Students with Exceptionalities
Inclusionary Practices
Approaches to Special Education in Canada
Learning More about Special Education in Canada and Around the World
3. The Assessment and IEP Process
Special Education: The Implementation of Exemplary Teaching Practices
What is Assessment?
Why is Assessment Important?
The Assessment and IEP Process
Learning More about the Assessment and IEP Process
4. Creating Exemplary Learning Environments
Exemplary Learning Environments
Classroom Behaviour
The Tenets of Classroom Management
Phase 1 - Understanding the Causes of Problematic Behaviours
Phase 2 - Establishing a Psychologically Secure Classroom
Learning More about Exemplary Learning Environments
5. Students with Learning Disabilities
Karl's File
Why Is Karl Considered to Have a Learning Disability?
What Factors Contributed to Karl's Learning Disabilities?
How Have Karl's Learning Disabilities Affected His Development?
What Is School Like for Karl?
What Educational Approach Is Best for Karl?
How Is Karl Different from Other Students Who Have Learning Disabilities?
Closing Karl's File
Updating Karl's Story
Learning More about Students with Learning Disabilities
Taking It into Your Classroom
6. Students with Behavioural Disorders
Lindsey's File
Why Is Lindsey Considered to Have a Behavioural Disorder?
What Factors Contributed to Lindsey's Behavioural Disorder?
How Has Lindsey's Behavioural Disorder Affected Her Development?
What Is School Like for Lindsey?
What Educational Approach Is Best for Lindsey?
How Is Lindsey Different from Other Students Who Have Behavioural Disorders?
Closing Lindsey's File
Updating Lindsey's Story
Learning More about Students with Behavioural Disorders
Taking It into Your Classroom
7. Students Who Are Gifted and Talented
Geoffrey's File
Why Is Geoffrey Considered to Be Gifted?
What Factors Contributed to Geoffrey's Giftedness?
How Has Geoffrey's Giftedness Affected His Development?
What Is School Like for Geoffrey?
What Educational Approach Is Best for Geoffrey?
How Is Geoffrey Different from Other Students Who Are Gifted?
Closing Geoffrey's File
Updating Geoffrey's Story
Learning More about Students Who Are Gifted and Talented
Taking It into Your Classroom
8. Students with Intellectual Disabilities
David's File
Why Is David Considered to Have an Intellectual Disability?
What Factors Contributed to David's Intellectual Disability?
How Has David's Intellectual Disability Affected His Development?
What Is School Like for David?
What Educational Approach Is Best for David?
How Is David Different from Other Students Who Have Intellectual Disabilities?
Closing David's File
Updating David's Story
Learning More about Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Taking It into Your Classroom
9. Students with Autism
Zachary's File
Why Is Zachary Considered to be Autistic?
What Factors Contributed to Zachary's Autism?
How Has Zachary's Autism Affected His Development?
What Therapies Did Zachary Experience Before Entering School?
What was the Transition to School Like for Zachary?
What Is School Like for Zachary?
What Educational Approach Is Best for Zachary?
How Is Zachary Different from Other Students with Autism?
Closing Zachary's File
Updating Zachary's Story
Learning More about Students with Autism
Taking It into Your Classroom
10. Students with Sensory Impairments
Tyler's File
Why Is Tyler Considered to be Sensory Impaired?
What Factors Contributed to Tyler's Sensory Impairment?
How Has Tyler's Sensory Impairment Affected His Development?
What Is School Like for Tyler?
What Educational Approach Is Best for Tyler?
How Is Tyler Different from Other Students Who Have Sensory Impairments?
Closing Tyler's File
Learning More about Students Who Have Sensory Impairments
Taking It to Your Classroom
11. Students with Multiple Disabilities
Monique's File
What Are Monique's Multiple Disabilities?
What Factors Contributed to Monique's Disabilities?
How Have Monique's Disabilities Affected Her Development?
What Is School Like for Monique?
What Educational Approach Is Best for Monique?
How Is Monique Different from Other Students Who Have Multiple Disabilities?
Closing Monique's File
Updating Monique's Story
Learning More about Students with Multiple Disabilities
Taking It into Your Classroom
12. Students Who Are At-Risk
Owen's File
Why is Owen Considered to be At-Risk?
How Has Owen's Development Been Affected by the Trauma He Has Experienced?
What Has School Been Like for Owen?
What Educational Approach Is Best for Owen?
How Is Owen Different from Other Students Who Are At-Risk?
Closing Owen's File
Learning More about Students who are At-Risk
Taking It into Your Classroom
13. Creating Your Own Special Stories
Learning More
Ongoing Professional Development in Special Education
Taking It into Your Classroom
Your Own Special Stories
Closing Our File

Instructor's Manual:
For each chapter:
- Chapter overview
- Lecture outline
- Learning objectives
- Key terms
- Discussion questions
- Suggested classroom activities
- Suggested further readings
- Recommended websites
- Recommended videos (YouTube, TEDTalks, etc.) NEW
PowerPoint Slide:
For each chapter:
- 20-30 lecture outline slides
Test Bank:
For each chapter:
- 25-30 multiple choice questions
- 20-25 true-or-false questions
- 10-15 short answer questions
- 2-3 essay questions with marking rubric NEW
- Answer key with page references
E-Book ISBN 9780199026661

Alan Edmunds is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario. For 20 years, Dr. Edmunds has worked as a special education teacher, a school psychologist, a private educational consultant, and as a faculty member at four different Canadian universities. His interests have always been in providing optimum learning environments for all individuals with exceptional learning needs, including adults and those who are highly gifted. He has taught educational psychology and special education at the undergraduate level and specialty courses in learning disabilities, giftedness, and cognition and learning. In his spare time he coaches the UWO Women's Golf Team.

The late Gail Edmunds was a Research Coordinator at the Centre for Inclusive Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario. In recent years, Gail had been the research officer for the Esso Family Math Project and also worked with Alan Edmunds on his research. She was also a freelance writer/editor.

Special Education Case Studies - Kimberly Maich and Randy Hill
Making Sense in Education - Margot Northey, Kristen Ferguson and Jon G. Bradley
Teaching Music to Students with Special Needs - Alice Hammel
Educational Psychology - Alan Edmunds and Gail Edmunds

Special Features

  • Canadian focus provides relevant research, references, and examples for teachers in this country.
  • Written by two well-respected scholars in the field, this text draws on 45 years of combined experience to offer a comprehensive, authoritative introduction to special education in Canada.
  • Based on the categorical model of special education, the text explores each category of exceptional learner and how to create learning environments for the specialized needs of these students.
  • Eight real-life case studies - each focused on different high-incidence exceptionalities - contextualize the educational realities that are faced by students, their teachers, and their families.
  • - Actual source documents - such as test results; individualized educational programs (IEPs); samples of student writing and artwork; and school reports - encourage genuine engagement with the case studies.
  • Dynamic pedagogy throughout the text encourages critical thinking and engages students in the material.
  • - What We Know boxes - including nine that are new to this edition - provide additional insights from professional literature and research studies.
  • - Something to Think About boxes pose thought-provoking questions to encourage critical thinking.
  • - From the Psychologist's Notebook boxes highlight professional observations and facilitate a deeper understanding of the students featured in the case studies.
  • - Taking It into Your Classroom section provides a bulleted synopsis of key topics from the chapter with space for personal notes.
New to this Edition
  • New coverage of contemporary topics, including assistive technology, Universal Design for Learning, Applied Behaviour Analysis, and Autism level differentiation.
  • Fully updated throughout to reflect the most recent developments on topics such as genetic and environmental factors related to ADHD; DSM-V definitions of conduct disorder and trauma disorders; the Every Student Succeeds Act; and more.
  • Expanded coverage of key topics, including Functional Behavior Assessments; differentiated instruction for teaching gifted students; visual impairment; and more.
  • Includes up-to-date statistics, research, legislation, and policies to ensure students have the most current resource available.
  • End-of-text glossary provides all definitions in one place for quick reference.