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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $126.00

375 pp.
156 mm x 234 mm


Publication date:
August 2012

Imprint: OUP UK

Principles and Values in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice

Essays in Honour of Andrew Ashworth

Edited by Julian V. Roberts and Lucia Zedner

Celebrating the scholarship of Andrew Ashworth, Vinerian Professor of English Law at the University of Oxford, this collection brings together leading international scholars to explore questions of principle and value in criminal law and criminal justice. Internationally renowned for elaborating a body of principles and values that should underpin criminalization, the criminal process, and sentencing, Ashworth's contribution to the field over forty years of scholarship has been immense. Advancing his project of exploring normative issues at the heart of criminal law and criminal justice, the contributors examine the important and fascinating debates in which Ashworth's influence has been greatest.

The essays fall into three distinct but related areas, reflecting Ashworth's primary spheres of influence. Those in Part 1 address the import and role of principles in the development of a just criminal law, with contributions focusing upon core tenets such as the presumption of innocence, fairness, accountability, the principles of criminal liability, and the grounds for defences. Part 2 addresses questions of human rights and due process protections in both domestic and international law. In Part 3 the essays are addressed to core issues in sentencing and punishment: they explore questions of equality, proportionality, adherence to the rule of law, the totality principle (in respect of multiple offences), wrongful acquittals, and unduly lenient sentences. Together they demonstrate how important Ashworth's work has been in shaping how we think about criminal law and criminal justice, and make their own invaluable contribution to contemporary discussions of criminalization and punishment.

Readership : Academics and scholars, practitioners, and students of criminal law, criminal justice, criminalization, and sentencing.

Foreword by Roger Hood: Andrew Ashworth: A Tribute
Lucia Zedner and Julian Roberts: Editors' Introduction
Part 1. Criminal Law
1. John Gardner: Ashworth on Principles
2. Nicola Lacey: Principles, Policies, and Politics of Criminal Law
3. Jeremy Horder: Criminal Attempt, the Rule of Law, and Accountability in Criminal Law
4. R.A. Duff: Presuming Innocence
5. Victor Tadros: Fair Labelling and Social Solidarity
6. Douglas Husak: Distraction and Negligence
7. Andrew Simester: On Justifications and Excuses
8. Barry Mitchell: Years of Provocation, Followed by a Loss of Control
Part 2. Criminal Process and Human Rights
9. Liora Lazarus: Positive Obligations and Criminal Justice: Duties to Protect or Coerce?
10. Mike Redmayne: Exploring Entrapment
11. Paul Roberts: Excluding Evidence as Protecting Constitutional or Human Rights?
12. Dirk van Zyl Smit: Community Sanctions and European Human Rights Law
13. Andreas von Hirsch and Vivian Schorscher: A System of International Criminal Justice for Human Rights Violations: What is the General Justification for its Existence?
Part 3. Sentencing
14. Kate Warner: Equality Before the Law and Equal Impact of Sanctions: Doing Justice to Differences in Wealth and Employment Status
15. Elaine Player: Sentencing Women: Towards Gender Equality
16. Malcolm Thorburn: Proportionate Sentencing and the Rule of Law
17. Martin Wasik: Concurrent and Consecutive Sentences Revisited
18. Michael Tonry: 'Wrongful' Acquittals and 'Unduly Lenient' Sentences - Misconceived Problems that Provoke Unjust Solutions

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Lucia Zedner is Professor of Criminal Justice in the Faculty of Law and a member of the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford. She is currently the General Editor of the Oxford University Press monograph series Clarendon Studies in Criminology. With Andrew Ashworth, Professor Zedner is currently co-directing a three-year study of Preventive Justice generously funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. She is also Conjoint Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, where she is a regular visitor. Julian Roberts has been at Oxford since 2004. He works in the area of sentencing. His books include: Punishing Persistent Offenders; Principled Sentencing (with von Hirsch and Ashworth), and Mitigation and Aggravation at Sentencing. He currently holds a Leverhulme Major Fellowship for which he is conducting research upon the sentencing guidelines in England and Wales.

Making Sense - Margot Northey and Joan McKibbin
Crime, Punishment, and Responsibility - Edited by Rowan Cruft, Matthew H. Kramer and Mark R. Reiff
The Criminal Process - Andrew Ashworth and Mike Redmayne
The Criminological Foundations of Penal Policy - Edited by Lucia Zedner and Andrew Ashworth
Principles of Criminal Law - Andrew Ashworth
Proportionate Sentencing - Andrew von Hirsch and Andrew Ashworth
The Ends of Harm - Victor Tadros
The Boundaries of the Criminal Law - Edited by R.A. Duff, Lindsay Farmer, S.E. Marshall, Massimo Renzo and Victor Tadros
The Philosophy of Criminal Law - Douglas Husak
Appraising Strict Liability - Edited by Andrew Simester

Special Features

  • Addresses topical issues in criminal law, criminal justice, and sentencing, including the presumption of innocence, human rights and due process, and pressing questions of equality and proportionality.
  • Includes cutting-edge engagement with key debates over criminalization.
  • Distinguished scholars examine the scholarship and influence of a key figure in the field, and one of the leading academics in criminal law and justice.