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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Print Price: $114.99

392 pp.
7" x 9"


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Imprint: OUP Canada

Desire, Love, and Identity

Philosophy of Sex and Love

Gary Foster

An engaging and accessible introduction to the subject, this text explores love and sex as defining features of our identity. Through thirty-nine classic and contemporary articles, as well as original contributions written by emerging voices in the field, Desire, Love, and Identity covers a wide range of topics, such as sexual objectification, the ethics of sex work, love and sex online, friendship, polyamory, and BDSM.

Readership : Second- and third-year university courses on the philosophy of sex and love.


  • "The up-to-date and original content, as well as the increase in critical/ feminist perspectives, makes this text unique from-and preferable to-other texts available. The fact that it covers both love and sex makes it stand out, as most courses cover both topics, but many texts focus on just one or the other."
    --Susan Dieleman, University of Saskatchewan
  • "Desire, Love, & Identity: Philosophy of Sex and Love offers an engaging, accessible introduction to the exciting field of philosophy of love and it successfully stimulates further investigation in a very challenging, eternally problematic area -- not simply the sexual or the amorous encounter, but the encounter between self and the Other."
    --Dr. Rossitsa Terzieva-Artemis, Metapsychology Online

* Commissioned for this volume
Note: most chapters begin with an introduction, and conclude with a discussion and suggestions for further reading
Introduction to the Philosophy of Sex
Section 1: Sexual Desire
1. The Structure of Sexual Desire
"Sexual Desire" by Jean-Paul Sartre
"Sexual Perversion" by Thomas Nagel
2. The Object(s) of Sexual Desire
"Objects of Desire" by Rockney Jacobsen (Wilfrid Laurier University)*
"Why Sexuality Matters" by John Russon (University of Guelph)*
3. Sex: Art or Science?
"Scientia Sexualis" by Michel Foucault
"Challenging Norms: The Co-creative Core of Erotic Life" by Réal Fillion (Université de Sudbury)*
4. Talking About Sex
"We 'Other Victorians'" by Michel Foucault
"The Speaker's Benefit and the Case of Dan Savage" by Ada S. Jaarsma (Mount Royal University)*
"Are We Having Sex Now or What?" by Greta Cristina
Section 2; Objectification and Sexual Identity
5. Sexual Objectification
"Of Duties to the Body in Regard to the Sexual Impulse" by Immanuel Kant
"Objectification" by Martha C. Nussbaum
"The Ethics of Sexual Objectification: Autonomy and Consent" by Patricia Marino
6. Derivatization and Degenitalization
"Sexual Assault as Derivatization" by Emily Ann Parker*
"Cross-Dressing, Trans, and All Stops In-Between" by Michael Gilbert (York University)*
Section 3: Ethics and Sexual Issues
7. The Ethics of Sex Work
"Sex Work and Desexualization: Foucauldian Reflections on Sex Work" by Chloë Taylor (University of Alberta)*
"The Rights and Wrongs of Prostitution" by Julia O'Connell Davidson
8. Other Ethical Issues
"Resolving the Gamer's Dilemma" by Christopher Bartel
"BDSM: My Apology" by Yolanda Estes*
Introduction to the Philosophy of Love
Section 4; The Nature of Love
9. Traditions of Love
From The Symposium: "Aristophanes' Speech" and "Socrates' Speech" by Plato
"The Ethical and Mystical Import of Kama; Sexual/Erotic Passion in Classical Indian Tradition" by Rekha Navneet*
10. What is Love?
"Appraisal and Bestowal" by Irving Singer
"Physical Beauty and Romantic Love" by Glenn Parsons (Ryerson University)*
11. Agape and Eros
"Two Views of Love" by Alan Soble
"On Love and Its Reasons" by Harry G. Frankfurt
Section 5; Romantic Love
12. Love and Identity
"First Attitude toward Others: Love, Language, Masochism" by Jean-Paul Sartre
"Romantic Love" by Robert C. Solomon
"The Identity Theory of Love" by Robert C. Solomon
13. Love and Identity in Question
"The Woman in Love" by Simone de Beauvoir
"The Problem with 'We': Rethinking Joint Identity in Romantic Love" by Noël Merino
Section 6: Relationships and Marriage
14. Ethical Relationships
"Ethical Polyamory and Responsibility" by Alexis Shotwell (Carleton University)*
"Different and Unequal: Rethinking Justice in Intimate Relationships" by Lauren Bialystok (University of Toronto)*
15. Marriage
"Marriage and Monogamy" by Immanuel Kant
"The Meaning of Marriage" by Jill Rusin (Wilfrid Laurier University)*
"Marriage for Everybody: What Is Marriage Equality?" by Elizabeth Brake*
Section 7: Friendship
16. What is Friendship?
From The Nicomachean Ethics: "Friendship and Partnership" by Aristotle
17. Friendship and Value
"The Politics of Love" by Tony Milligan*
"How to Lose Friends" by Annette C. Baier
18. Friendship and Love Online
"The Obstacles against Reaching the Highest Level of Aristotelian Friendship Online" by Robert Sharp
"Internet Dating: Challenges to Love and Personal Identity" by Gary Foster

There are no Instructor/Student Resources available at this time.

Gary Foster is assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy at Wilfrid Laurier University. He has published on the philosophy of love and personal identity in The Journal of Philosophical Psychology; Ethical Theory and Moral Practice; and Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review.

Writing Philosophy - Lewis Vaughn and Jillian Scott McIntosh
Debating Sex and Gender - Georgia Warnke
Philosophical Perspectives on Sex and Love - Robert M. Stewart

Special Features

  • The most up-to-date reader on the market featuring relevant pieces on the subject's most cutting-edge topics, including sexual and gender identity (Ch. 6), the ethics of sex work (Ch. 7), cyber love (Ch. 14), and friendship (Section 4).
  • Two-part organization - the first focusing on sex, the second on love - each broken down into in-depth sections, offers a thorough examination of both topics.
  • Balance of contemporary selections and canonical works by major figures in the field offers a well-rounded introduction to the subject.
  • Sixteen commissioned essays by notable Canadian and international academics explore contentious contemporary issues within the field.
  • Diverse range of philosophical perspectives - including analytic, Continental, and feminist - demonstrates the diversity of thought within the study of love and sex.
  • Supportive pedagogy - including chapter introductions, key terms, lists of further readings, and discussion questions - help students personalize complex philosophical positions and better understand the material.