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Higher Education

  • ProfNet (www.prnewswire.com/profnet/) is the pioneer expert-finding service with a long track record of getting journalists and experts on the phone together within hours. It works in two ways: you can either search a ProfNet database of expert profiles, or send a query for expert assistance which is then transmitted to thousands of news and information officers across North American institutions such as universities, governments, and non-profit agencies. You indicate what kind of institutions you would like the request to reach. Depending on the time of day, you could start getting responses within minutes by the phone or email contact information you include in your post. Because this is a largely US service, the vast majority of responses tend to come from sources in the States. You can, however, limit your request so that it reaches only Canadian sources.
  • Sources (www.sources.com) is a regularly-updated directory of Canadian experts with more than 5000 entries.
  • ExpertPages (www.expertpages.com) is a resource most commonly used by lawyers looking for expert witnesses to testify in court proceedings; the service is obviously also useful for journalists.